giammi@identi.ca giammi@identi.ca
Zurich, Switzerland
Shaving Aficionado - my day starts with a keen edge
FLOSS for Science floss4science@identi.ca
Free/libre open source software in scientific computing
Francesca Ciceri madamezou@identi.ca
Debian user, developer and translator, craftster, anarchist, social scientist, zombie-movies nerd, fan fiction addicted. Also: guitar, guitar, guitar, some trumpet, and tons of music in general.
JanKusanagi jankusanagi@identi.ca
Between Jabberia and the Pumpiverse!
Developer of the Dianara pump.io client. Mageia GNU/Linux + Plasma user. I also use Debian GNU/Linux and Archlinux. Jabber/XMPP chatter, Pumper, C/C++/Qt coder. Pump.io User Guide: https://pumpio.readthedocs.org/en/latest/userguide.html Users by language: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Users-by-language Some tips: http://communicationfreedom.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/pump-io-tips/ And if your Pump.io server is identi.ca, check this out: https://identi.ca/jankusanagi/note/IpfiW7kBQYuXt6H7odMzQQ This is a secondary account to jankusanagi@datamost.com, so you should probably follow that one.
The Linux Foundation linuxfoundation@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.
Tsyesika@io.theperplexingpariah.co.uk Tsyesika@io.theperplexingpariah.co.uk
Lancaster, UK
I'm Jessica! Programming, Chemist & Linguist. I'm the developer of PyPump and Inboxen ^_^
Luis A. Guzman ark74@identi.ca
Poza Rica
Activista de SL, Filósofo Amateur, Ingeniero Sofista, Soñador Empedernido, Idealista Dinámico y Orgulloso usuario de Software Libre. Be #Useful #Kind #Grateful http://ark.switnet.org
Luca Bruno kaeso@identi.ca
Imperia, Italy
Debian Developer and enthusiast FLOSS supporter, loves to have fun with btrfs, IPv6 and networking. Commonly known everywhere as kaeso.
David Thompson davexunit@identi.ca
Boston, Massachusetts
Web Developer at the Free Software Foundation. Professional software engineer. Schemer. Emacs zealot. http://dthompson.us/
PlanetDebian PlanetDebian-unofficial@mipump.es
Planet debian unofficial account, official site : http://planet.debian.org/
ubuntuusers ubuntuusers@identi.ca
Nachrichten von Ikhaya: Ikhaya ist der Nachrichtenblog von ubuntuusers mit Nachrichten rund um Ubuntu, Linux und Open Source.
habi@fmrl.me habi@fmrl.me
Somewhere in Switzerland
Working father, generic geek and ex-messenger with a PhD in ultrahigh resolution tomography. I love the outdoors, taking photos and much more than it's possible to pack into two sentences.
Bob Jonkman bobjonkman@identi.ca
Elmira, Canada
Computer consultant who occasionally participates in Real Life… ⁂Lather ⁙Rinse ♻Repeat