Free Culture Foundation freeculture@identi.ca
The mission of the Free Culture Foundation is to bring an end to the subjugation enabled by private ownership over media, ideas, and technology.
Free Software Foundation Europe fsfe@identi.ca
Brussels, Europe
non-profit organisation working on freedoms to use, study, share and improve software as critical for equal participation in the information age.
The Document Foundation tdforg@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
It is an independent self-governing meritocratic entity in the form of a charitable Foundation under German law.
I love Free Software ilovefs@identi.ca
On Valentine's Day, declare your love to Free Software !
Randal Schwartz merlyn@identi.ca
John Sullivan johnsu01@identi.ca
Impending Doom, United States
This account is deprecated. Please find me at https://microca.st/johns or https://status.fsf.org/johns. This account will soon be deleted.
FLOSS Weekly flossweekly@identi.ca
Petaluma, United States
Each week, we bring you the best and the brightest people and projects in Free, Libre, Open-Source Software!
Simon Phipps webmink@identi.ca
Southampton, United Kingdom
Software freedom and digital rights activist, photographer, writer, speaker, consultant, floor wax. Find me via https://webm.ink
Gitorious.org gitorious@identi.ca
Gitorious provides open source infrastructure for hosting open source projects that use Git.
Ben Sturmfels stumbles@identi.ca
Ballarat, Australia
Free software activist who loves riding bikes and flying kites. Lead developer at www.sturm.com.au.
Sridhar Dhanapalan yama@identi.ca
Sydney, Australia
Technology Innovation Leader | open to opportunities
François Marier fmarier@identi.ca
Vancouver, BC
Free software developer. Moved to https://fosstodon.org/@fmarier
Bdale Garbee bdale@identi.ca
Matthew Davidson freemjd@identi.ca
Sawtell, Australia
Dot org entrepreneur, inventor of the alcoholic mocktail, a distressed asset. http://microblog.ourcoffs.org.au/mjd.
linux.conf.au 2014 linuxconfau@identi.ca
Canberra, Australia
6-10th January 2014 LCA is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software!
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.