Keith Z-G keithzg@identi.ca
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2011-11-24T00:36:46+00:00
Anon "leaks" Facebook's 2010 law enforcement guidelines, which have been available on the EFF website since Jan: https://eff.org/r.H7t #foiaKeith Z-G likes this.
Aaron Seigo at 2011-09-15T06:10:35+00:00
this was one germanglishism that had been bugging me for years, and now (as i am exposed to more german) i understand the confusion :)Keith Z-G likes this.
Aaron Seigo at 2011-09-15T06:09:43+00:00
to all my german friends: "einigermassen" does not translate to "somehow" in english. the word(s) you want is "somewhat" or "more or less"Keith Z-G likes this.
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2011-07-20T21:10:12+00:00
FBI at the door with a search warrant? You have rights. https://eff.org/r.86Q Print & keep this nearby: https://eff.org/r.18R #anonymousder.hans, Keith Z-G likes this.
der.hans, der.hans, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) shared this.
Salman at 2011-03-28T08:28:44+00:00
In case you missed it: How to copy Flash Video in #Firefox 4 on #Ubuntu http://ping.fm/6Ds0R (by @hreikeras via @ghabuntu)Keith Z-G likes this.
F-Droid at 2011-02-09T21:48:33+00:00
Got an application submission that claims a GPLv4 license. Is it a typo or did Google send something back from the future to terminate me?Keith Z-G, Guy Sheffer, Brett Smith, Aaron Williamson likes this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2011-03-16T22:14:51+00:00
Consumer groups warn Obama #privacy law could be dominated by industry https://eff.org/r.3zVKeith Z-G likes this.
Dan Lynch at 2011-02-24T23:20:54+00:00
Watching Question Time. I dunno why I bother sometimes. It just makes me want to do nasty things to politicians involving sharp objects.Bruce Cowan, Keith Z-G, Becky Newborough, Alistair McKinlay likes this.
Salman at 2011-02-19T17:22:19+00:00
OK so without the #Linux terminal, would life ever be complete? :-/Keith Z-G likes this.
@ghabuntu heck no, I use it a lot for ssh and stuff.Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-02-15T21:27:15+00:00
"If you make it idiot-proof, someone will build a better idiot." !qLennert Holvoet, Lennert Holvoet shared this.
Karsten Wade at 2011-02-15T19:33:11+00:00
I have learned an important life/business lesson - don't pin your hopes on #Nokia. Well ... s/Nokia/for-profit corporation/g #tobehonestKeith Z-G, Christopher Allan Webber, Bradley M. Kuhn likes this.
I learned same long ago:♻ @quaid learned important life/business lesson:don't pin your hopes on #Nokia. Well…s/Nokia/forprofit corporation/gBradley M. Kuhn at 2011-02-15T19:40:32+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Command Line Magic at 2011-02-02T19:47:04+00:00
Linux sex: date ; unzip ; strip; touch; mount; etc.. Windows sex: start ; explore ; reboot ; viruscheck ; solitaireKeith Z-G, Steven! Ragnarök, Command Line Magic, Sander and 6 others likes this.
Emilio Velis, Emilio Velis, Gatitac, KanGouLya and 30 others shared this.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2011-01-23T17:52:56+00:00
@fontana, I think only #Apple's proprietary software is opiate of the masses. #Microsoft's is probably more like crystal meth of the masses.Bruce Cowan, deitarion, Ubiquit, Keith Z-G and 2 others likes this.
Jon A. Cruz, Jon A. Cruz, Brooke Vibber, Brooke Vibber shared this.
Gabriel Saldana at 2010-12-29T03:33:56+00:00
some say "open source, open minds", I prefer "free software, free society" its more transcendental ;) !fsf !gnuKeith Z-G, Christoffer Buchholz, dazinism, Osama Khalid and 9 others likes this.
Christoffer Buchholz, Christoffer Buchholz, Santosh Sivaraj, Santosh Sivaraj and 8 others shared this.