Karl Fogel

Karl Fogel at

When you listen to a CD, you don't call it "e-music".  Why do we even have the term "e-book"?  They're just books, people.  Books!

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I'm annoyed when people say ebooks (look less silly without the "-" :) are DRM. Yes most of them are, but all my ebooks are DRM free, e.g. from gutenberg.org and many other places.

sazius at 2014-04-04T19:31:06Z

Blaise Alleyne likes this.

@Blaise Alleyne That's actually a good point. The experience does change a lot more in the ebook case than in the other modalities.

sazius at 2014-04-04T20:02:05Z

Blaise Alleyne likes this.

Hm, not sure about that. The distinction seems important enough in enough contexts to justify it. Same as email vs mail... Ebooks have many characteristics that books don't have.

johns at 2014-04-04T21:46:47Z

Yutaka Niibe likes this.

>> Karl Fogel:

“They're just books, people. Books!”

But a CD is not the same as a casette tape, or a vinyl disc.

We don't call any of those "music" or "e-music", we call them by the specific name of the medium.

A book is not the same as a file on an "Electronic book reader".

JanKusanagi @identi.ca at 2014-04-07T01:36:39Z