IT Tech Solution knev@identi.ca
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Michael Mehrazar at 2012-04-18T13:55:22+00:00
After years of using !Ubuntu, I've finally migrated to !Debian. Feels good to support the community developed OS.IT Tech Solution, Stephan Beyer, Michael Mehrazar, Brian Dunnette likes this.
Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, I.Enys Untra, I.Enys Untra and 4 others shared this.
Welcome to #Debian (^_^)Auto Liniers at 2012-04-19T12:21:25+00:00
#musicaparadepertarse y cantar en falsete... lindo... http://t.co/vrH6HneNIT Tech Solution likes this.
J. Randal Matheny at 2012-04-19T12:23:37+00:00
Singing “Down in My Heart” : ♲ J. Randal http://ur1.ca/91f22 Making up new lines to an old child's song to... http://ur1.ca/91f24IT Tech Solution likes this.
Charles-H. Schulz at 2012-04-19T07:54:15+00:00
Rejoice, #ubuntu users, #canonical shall provide thy machines with #Libreoffice PPAs for all versions from now on: http://ur1.ca/91de3IT Tech Solution likes this.
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona shared this.
davidweb1 at 2012-04-19T12:20:42+00:00
Habe Prüfungen sehr wahrscheinlich geschafft. Heute Abend werde ich es zu 99% wissen und in 3 Wochen kommt das schriftliche #Ergebnis. #yeahIT Tech Solution likes this.
Cyber Fnox at 2012-04-10T09:37:07+00:00
re:publica´12: Fahrplan ist online http://ur1.ca/8z1baIT Tech Solution likes this.
Sven Krohlas at 2012-03-22T14:49:20+00:00
Mal eine andere Sicht auf den Irankonflikt http://ur1.ca/8rjnpIT Tech Solution likes this.
Arthur Schiwon, Arthur Schiwon shared this.
Charleston Weather at 2012-03-13T12:30:52+00:00
Light showers working their way into the area from the northwest: http://ur1.ca/8mxbwIT Tech Solution likes this.
owncloud at 2012-03-13T12:30:47+00:00
Sorry for the spam earlier today, I didn't expect identi.ca to pull _all_ the posts from the diaspora account. xD *deleting stuff now*IT Tech Solution likes this.
serk01 at 2012-03-12T18:51:58+00:00
Η προπαγάνδα της “Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας” και οι διαφορές του Copyright και των Πατεντών http://identi.ca/url/67880709IT Tech Solution likes this.
Guido Arnold at 2012-03-08T09:21:43+00:00
IT Tech Solution likes this.
Filipe Saraiva at 2012-03-06T01:43:08+00:00
Robôs Lego Mindstorms explicam a “internet das coisas” - http://ur1.ca/8j6av (o arduino explicaria também, com certeza) cc @juliajohn_IT Tech Solution likes this.
@filipesaraiva, bem como o pessoal da Robótica Livre, que faz coisas parecidas todos os anos no Latinoware, FISL e outros eventos. :-)Mark A. Hershberger at 2012-02-10T04:12:51+00:00
"We are the media, and so are you" http://hexm.de/epIT Tech Solution likes this.
Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2012-02-28T04:49:28+00:00
Know a jobseeking Lucene expert? Improve #Wikipedia search http://ur1.ca/8f3rnIT Tech Solution likes this.
@evan I hit Send a couple times and got various errors that implied my msg hadn't gone through. Whoops. Didn't get syndicated to Twitter.Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2012-02-28T12:42:19+00:00
@evan Just happened again with my previous msg: "We had trouble sending your notice....Please try again" even though it went through.Sumana Harihareswara [on Mastodon] at 2012-02-28T12:45:54+00:00
Beatriz Busaniche at 2012-02-21T15:27:16+00:00
y ya que estamos con la vigilancia, la vida de los otros, por @blejman http://ur1.ca/8afmuIT Tech Solution likes this.