Mohan Ram at 2012-07-31T21:58:52+00:00
@lstench well I don't want to burn up the battery on my phone. And its time to replace my aging Sansa Fuzemrs. stench likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2012-07-17T02:16:06+00:00
Usual terms are 90 days from departure to exercise. As an insider (possibly), all her option exerices and sales will be public information.mrs. stench likes this.
@stav that's how it worksGordon Sinclair at 2011-12-24T18:31:22+00:00
@lstench with Christmas it's a blend of rampant greed & religion with forced pleasantries; I prefer to sleep through itmrs. stench likes this.
@thistleweb I concur. We spend the Nativity season trying to give back. That's why we calored at the nursing home not door to door.Gordon Sinclair at 2011-09-09T13:02:03+00:00
New Blog Post | How To Create & Use Profiles In Google #Chrome On !Linux http://is.gd/p9znYT #fb @lstenchmrs. stench likes this.
@thistleweb who rocks? After I get settled this morning going to check it out.@thistleweb I think this will work well for Hubs.Gordon Sinclair at 2011-07-11T06:42:25+00:00
How I was fitted up by the #NOTW http://is.gd/7hy1bumrs. stench likes this.
Raphaël Hertzog at 2011-06-23T15:33:34+00:00
BTW, my monthly !Debian newsletter comes out on Saturday. You still have some time to join the 556 subscribers. http://bit.ly/rh-emailStefan Pampel, mrs. stench likes this.
Gatitac shared this.
Billy at 2011-06-11T14:25:31+00:00
woke up with a start, they purged !linux from the arena. the withdrawals were epic.mrs. stench likes this.
@unsub you changed your name?Mohan Ram at 2011-05-26T13:20:08+00:00
10 Commercial Apps for Linux That I Never Knew Existed: http://bit.ly/iZ1zMeHilton Garcia Fernandes, mrs. stench, bigbrovar likes this.
Billy at 2011-05-19T19:21:06+00:00
Watch "Nokia N9 - Teaser - MeeGo OS - Symbian Anna Icons - Preview" on YouTube - http://ur1.ca/481stmrs. stench likes this.
Mohan Ram at 2011-04-21T04:08:44+00:00
Need to update my !fedora 15 system, the beta is out :)mrs. stench likes this.
@mohanpram busy, busyTim W (Goblin) at 2011-05-02T17:29:30+00:00
OPENBYTES: Linux gaming: GCT (Greedy Car Thieves) & Linux is a profitable platform! http://tinyurl.com/5usga9o !linux !gaming !gtamrs. stench likes this.
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2010-08-24T23:26:54+00:00
@jonkulp I actually never got that much into Brahms. I should make that a target. /me heads to Musopen.mrs. stench likes this.
@mjjzf Are you trying to drive me crazy?- Richard Stallman of the !FSF answers the top 25 questions from !Reddit www.reddit.com/tb/cv7sw !fc !fs !sfc !gnu !linux !lp
der.hans, anban, Osama Khalid, X11R5 and 9 others likes this.
anban, anban, Luca Vinci, Luca Vinci and 7 others shared this.