MATTEO BECHINI matbech@identi.ca
Alcuni profili: https://venera.social/profile/matteobechini https://pixelfed.social/matbech https://f.freinetz.ch/profile/mbearchitects
The 64-bit time_t transition is now in progress in unstable, preparing Debian to deal with the "Year 2038 Problem". #debian
Debian Project at 2024-02-27T13:33:03Z
The 64-bit time_t transition is now in progress in unstable, preparing Debian to deal with the "Year 2038 Problem". https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2024/02/msg00005.html #debian
MATTEO BECHINI, Scorpio likes this.
Updated Debian 11: 11.9 released
Debian Project at 2024-02-11T17:27:02Z
Updated Debian 11: 11.9 released https://www.debian.org/News/2024/2024021002
MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Due to an issue in ext4 with data corruption in kernel 6.1.64-1, we are a pausing the 12.3 image release for today while we attend to fixes. Please do not update any systems at this time, we urge caution for users with UnattendeUpgrades configured. Please see bug# 1057843:
Debian Project at 2023-12-09T18:45:04Z
Due to an issue in ext4 with data corruption in kernel 6.1.64-1, we are a pausing the 12.3 image release for today while we attend to fixes. Please do not update any systems at this time, we urge caution for users with UnattendeUpgrades configured. Please see bug# 1057843: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1057843
MATTEO BECHINI, Jim Fulner likes this.
Tupulpo at 2023-12-08T20:59:55Z
Wzbudź potencjał swoich paneli! Zaufaj doświadczonej firmie sprzątającej i zwiększ wydajność swojej instalacji fotowoltaicznej!
MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
For those using Debian oldstable, don't forget the 11.8 release image is also available for download!
Debian Project at 2023-10-09T16:00:03Z
For those using Debian oldstable, don't forget the 11.8 release image is also available for download! https://www.debian.org
MATTEO BECHINI, RiveraValdez, Jim Fulner likes this.
Updated Debian 12: 12.1 released
Debian Project at 2023-07-22T18:27:05Z
Updated Debian 12: 12.1 released https://www.debian.org/News/2023/20230722
RiveraValdez, MATTEO BECHINI, Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
MiniDebConf Brasília 2023 - de 25 a 27 de maio
Debian Project at 2023-04-01T15:48:03Z
MiniDebConf Brasília 2023 - de 25 a 27 de maio https://debianbrasil.org.br/blog/minidebconf-brasilia-2023-25-a-27-de-maio
MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Debian Reunion Hamburg 2023 from May 23 to 30
Debian Project at 2023-03-22T09:30:04Z
Debian Reunion Hamburg 2023 from May 23 to 30 https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2023/03/msg00005.html
MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2023)
Debian Project at 2023-03-22T15:21:03Z
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2023) https://bits.debian.org/2023/03/new-developers-2023-02.html
MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Guido Brunelli at 2013-06-19T17:21:21+00:00
Ma questa fantomatica migrazione a Pump.Io? Esiste, non esiste oppure prima o poi esisterà?MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Got up before light to move 8 hives of bees with Dad. It's become a really fulfilling hobby, even just for the time spent we spend together.
MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Bits from the release team: #bookworm in soft freeze
Debian Project at 2023-02-17T21:06:04Z
Bits from the release team: #bookworm in soft freeze https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2023/02/msg00003.html
Vejeta, MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
Meet @Debian at @fosdem 2023 this weekend! We will be at building H level 1.
Debian Project at 2023-02-02T11:33:03Z
Meet @Debian at @fosdem 2023 this weekend! We will be at building H level 1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2023/FOSDEM
Tupulpo, MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Astronomy Picture of the Day for 2022-11-26 12:30:02.836994
Astronomy Picture of the Day (Unofficial) at 2022-11-26T17:30:03Z
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
Saturn at Night
NASA, JPL-Caltech, Space Science Institute, Mindaugas MacijauskasExplanation: Saturn is still bright in planet Earth's night skies. Telescopic views of the distant gas giant and its beautiful rings often make it a star at star parties. But this stunning view of Saturn's rings and night side just isn't possible from telescopes closer to the Sun than the outer planet. They can only bring Saturn's day into view. In fact, this image of Saturn's slender sunlit crescent with night's shadow cast across its broad and complex ring system was captured by the Cassini spacecraft. A robot spacecraft from planet Earth, Cassini called Saturn orbit home for 13 years before it was directed to dive into the atmosphere of the gas giant on September 15, 2017. This magnificent mosaic is composed of frames recorded by Cassini's wide-angle camera only two days before its grand final plunge. Saturn's night will not be seen again until another spaceship from Earth calls.
Tomorrow's picture: supernumerary
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Jim Fulner, MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Tupulpo shared this.