Luis Falcon meanmicio@identi.ca
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Free Software, Social and Animal Rights activist #Vegan President of GNU Solidario
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej at 2013-07-09T10:09:07+00:00
Estuve viendo la página de gnuhealth. Felicitaciones! Este software debería utilizarse en todos los hospitales públicos de Argentina.Luis Falcon likes this.
victorhck shared this.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-07-11T17:02:24Z
#coffee time! This one is for @evan Congrats for the migration!!
Luis Falcon, Christian - Identica, Mauricio Mejia, Evan Prodromou and 5 others likes this.
Christian - Identica, Carlos Sánchez, jpope shared this.
Joshua Gay at 2013-07-09T17:15:35+00:00
Congratulations to #GNU Health on their release of version 2.0! http://health.gnu.org/Luis Falcon likes this.
Luis Falcon, وليد سعود shared this.
André Silva at 2013-07-08T06:29:03+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Luis Falcon likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Luis Falcon shared this.
EVAnaRkISTO at 2013-03-15T23:30:12+00:00
!GNUSolidario [Libro] Software Libre para el Desarrollo del Tercer Mundo http://ur1.ca/cs7bmLuis Falcon likes this.
Rafael A. Isturiz L., Rafael A. Isturiz L. shared this.
Tupulpo at 2012-12-01T19:47:49+00:00
If I will have the opportunity will support !GnuHealth : #FreeSoftware #UN #HIV / #AIDS , #Malaria #TB . #MDG6 #Tryton !FSF !GNULuis Falcon likes this.