Quote For The Day at 2012-01-10T05:00:56+00:00
“If Tetris has taught me anything, it’s that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear.” — Mana #Q4TD !q http://j.mp/yz0bgqDaniel Koć, Lisa P, Klarth Cidolfas, Alex and 4 others likes this.
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr., Klarth Cidolfas, Klarth Cidolfas and 10 others shared this.
Nils Geylen at 2012-01-01T10:27:40+00:00
New year is like a freeze mid-game and you lose all your high-scores.Dolores Portalatin likes this.
Rob Myers at 2011-10-02T19:53:46+00:00
reading the Hackerspaces book in OpenInkpot on a BeBook . because TECHDolores Portalatin likes this.
Neil Hodges at 2011-10-02T21:46:10+00:00
Dolores Portalatin likes this.
linuxaria at 2011-10-02T01:15:04+00:00
Dolores Portalatin likes this.
Mehdi, Mehdi, Harish Pillay, Harish Pillay shared this.
Aaron Toponce at 2011-09-27T14:35:57+00:00
Dolores Portalatin, Gustavo Brondani Schenkel likes this.
Freedom Maniac <Parin S.>, Freedom Maniac <Parin S.>, Gustavo Brondani Schenkel, Gustavo Brondani Schenkel shared this.
@eightyeight Hear, hear. Although, I do also appreciate being able to be a #busybox / #uclibc / #linux user when needed :)@eightyeight: How about those days when you use a Mac or Windows? That's when I really appreciate it! (Luckily those times are rare)Al-Scandar Solstag at 2011-09-22T05:49:39+00:00
Free as in Freedom panel with Stallman and Nina Paley. Oh how I wish I could be there! http://ur1.ca/557zu !fisl !wmbr !libreplanetDolores Portalatin, Al-Scandar Solstag likes this.
- 7 necessary ingredients for freedom in the cloud by @greve of !FSFE http://redd.it/jdwrp !FranklinStreet !lp !sfc !gnu
RiveraValdez, Dolores Portalatin, Idle Revolutionary, donald robertson III and 1 others likes this.
Pamela Petterson, Pamela Petterson, RiveraValdez, RiveraValdez and 10 others shared this.
♻ @dpic: 7 necessary ingredients for freedom in the cloud by @greve of #FSFE http://redd.it/jdwrp // Please read and apply it Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ at 2011-07-20T18:53:30+00:00
MacOS is a Unix much like the Uruk-hai were once Elves, taken by the Dark Lord, tortured and mutilated into their current abomination.Loic J. Duros, Kat Walsh, X11R666, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ and 36 others likes this.
ronnyfm, ronnyfm, gonewtw, gonewtw and 89 others shared this.