Mika mika@identi.ca

me = mostly happy.


  • paul paultag@identi.ca

  • Amaya Rodrigo amayita@identi.ca

    Madrid, Spain

    Debian Developer, EcoFeminist, Cat Lover

  • Deb Nicholson eximious@identi.ca

    Boston, United States

    I like noisy music, tasty food and free software.

  • Andrew McMillan karora@identi.ca

    Porirua, New Zealand

    Open (Source | Maps | Information | Calendar | Android) Geek

  • Benjamin Mako Hill acamako@identi.ca

    This account posts summaries of the summaries I write for AcaWiki.

  • Fred Concklin fconcklin@identi.ca

    Amherst, United States

    secrets secrets are no fun unless they're provably secret.

  • kxra@identi.ca

  • fateh slavitskaya urchn@identi.ca

    New England, United States

    open media artist + producer

  • biella biella@identi.ca

  • Benjamin Mako Hill metamako@identi.ca

    See http://identi.ca/mako for details.

  • Noah Meyerhans noahm@identi.ca

    Washington, United States

    Linux hacker, Debian developer, mountain bike racer.

  • Carolina Flores Hine carocr@identi.ca

    Soy (hiper)activista de software libre, no programo ni el reloj despertador, escribo poesía y algún día terminaré una novela.

  • Christine Spang spang@identi.ca

    Cambridge, United States

    I climb trees barefoot.

  • Molly Millions mmillions@identi.ca

    Somerville, United States

    Molly is not an exact science. She is, however, a four letter word.

  • Gavin Baker naufragio@identi.ca

    Washington, United States

    Any opinions solely personal

  • Thomas Gideon cmdln@identi.ca

    Washington, DC

    A peculiar character. https://peculiarcharacter.com and https://thecommandline.net

  • Mike Linksvayer mlinksva@identi.ca

    pre-epoch parasite, post-epoch scavenger

  • phoebe ayers phoebe@identi.ca

    I'm a reference librarian (day job) and Wikimedia volunteer (night job). My book "How Wikipedia Works" came out in Sept. 2008.

  • Brett Smith brettcsmith@identi.ca

    Boston, United States

  • joeyh joeyh@identi.ca

    deepest appalachia