MoLE mole@identi.ca
Gordon Sinclair at 2012-09-09T00:33:29+00:00
@mole I have no experience of tablets other than this, but I'm very impressed with mineMoLE likes this.
Ubuntu Australia at 2012-04-26T18:24:09+00:00
MoLE likes this.
Rajit Vikram Singh at 2012-02-11T14:22:04+00:00
"The software required Win95 or better. So I installed !Linux."mamue, MoLE, Rafael Pérez Pastor, Gregorio Espadas likes this.
Tommy He, Tommy He, Harish Pillay, Harish Pillay shared this.
Gordon Sinclair at 2011-12-25T19:29:58+00:00
Bruised but defiant: Mona Eltahawy on her assault by Egyptian security forces http://gu.com/p/34azeMoLE likes this.
Pete Daniels at 2011-11-07T19:33:17+00:00
I couldn't agree more. Nothing like running a distro that's guaranteed to break catastrophically every six months :/MoLE likes this.
linux.conf.au 2014 at 2011-11-08T06:25:23+00:00
Parent? Bringing your child/ren to linux.conf.au? Join our Parents' mailing list at http://bit.ly/tPnCdj #LCA2012MoLE likes this.
nybill at 2011-10-07T21:47:41+00:00
Sat in a St*rbucks with 2600 people.Tunneled through the captive portal, VNC sending my desktop to my EEE, denting in HB at home.Cause I canMoLE likes this.
Gordon Sinclair at 2011-09-14T05:14:06+00:00
I gotta say, this week's #KernelPanic is the best one in ages, due to all those involved, well done all round #LinuxMoLE likes this.
x1101 at 2011-08-24T20:18:14+00:00
@johnnynull well, possibly the beast that is Gnome3. If so, might I suggest XFCE as an alternative.MoLE likes this.
Carlos Solís at 2011-05-04T01:18:05+00:00
E4rat Seriously Cuts Down on Linux Boot Time With a Few Simple Commands [Downloads] - http://goo.gl/FJjqIMoLE likes this.
Rajit Vikram Singh at 2011-06-02T21:02:27+00:00
X11R5, MoLE, Osama Khalid likes this.
Gustavo Brondani Schenkel, Gustavo Brondani Schenkel, Kostas Antonakoglou, Kostas Antonakoglou and 2 others shared this.
linuxaria at 2011-06-02T21:56:29+00:00
!Ekiga and #SIP to replace #Skype on !linux http://www.linuxaria.com/article/ekiga-sip-skype?lang=enMoLE, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Cyberunions, Cyberunions, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 2 others shared this.
Xoke at 2011-01-24T19:50:56+00:00
So does anyone have any good suggestions for Android apps?MoLE likes this.
Sebastian Hilbert at 2010-09-11T05:15:57+00:00
openSUSE packages for client 0.8.2 are availableMoLE likes this.
Sebastien B. at 2010-04-22T08:03:46+00:00
#steam on !linux ? wtf ? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=steam_linux_script&num=1MoLE likes this.
Daniel Faucon, Daniel Faucon shared this.