petronilo sanchez

  • soloojos at 2018-04-22T18:46:53Z

    soloojos ha actualizado su foto del perfil


    petronilo sanchez likes this.

  • PPump 0.3.1 (GPL v3) (English announce)

    Sotitrox at 2014-08-11T17:29:14Z

    PPump 0.3.1 (GPL v3) I'm pleased to announce that PPump version 0.3.1 is ready. There are bugfixes and some internal component polished in this version, and some other stuff for the reader user that I comment below:

    Notable changes:

    • Note and image posts are shown, in addition to update activities, but without access to the attached file (video, audio or file); comments, favorites and likes are shown in the Firehose section.
    • All the posts are shown in the RSS feed, and author data are added at the end.
    • Pagination in the user directory, with a maximum of 100 users per page, in addition to this, for each user, access to his/her Atom feed is shown (thanks to pump2rss), access to his/her location is also shown (via a link to OpenStreetMap).
    • Better user filter for RSS and Firehose section, any character is usable to filter a user by his/her node or alias in the ID (more information in the wiki).
    • Preliminar internationalized version (only Spanish and English are enabled), it recognizes the language via browser preferences.


    • You need an HTTP server working, PHP > 5 (I think) and an SQL database.
    • Fill in the parameters in the file sistema/configuración.php, if you have cron, see the wiki page for more on the configuration.
    • Run the SQL command in the file "base.sql".
    • It's recommended that you synchronize the database with the rext inmediately, you only have to run the file recursos/estático/acciones/cronsin.php or open it in the browser.

    Remember that you can help me reporting any error or problem related to PPump in the buglist. Download from this post, from the repo, or from Git.



    Next version 0.4 will come with many changes, I think it will be ready at the end of November this year, now I have to work in Granada, so you can take the opportunity to ask services to be integrated in Granada ->

    Cheers and hugs to everybody helping this, special thanks to Laura Arjona for translate this message, c'mon we can!!

    Stephen Sekula, --, Jorge Verón Schenone, petronilo sanchez and 1 others likes this.

    Stephen Sekula, --, Laura Arjona Reina, n2t and 1 others shared this.

  • K' at 2014-07-02T01:26:45Z

    Bueno, ya han reculado...

    petronilo sanchez likes this.

  • La desigualdad

    at 2013-08-29T23:32:03Z

    "La desigualdad es más violenta que cualquier protesta".

    Aunque la foto parece ser de Chile, lo mismo se aplica a México y tantos otros lugares, para argumento contra aquellos que dicen que protestar en las calles es violentar el derecho al libre tránsito, al menos en México tal derecho no habla nada de automóviles, sólo de peatones y si hay algo que difunda el libre caminar por la ciudad, son las marchas y protestas en la calle.

    RiveraValdez, petronilo sanchez likes this.

    EVAnaRkISTO, Cuenta cancelada, RiveraValdez, juancuyo shared this.

    • Que gran verdad, dicha en pocas palabras.

    juancuyo at 2013-08-31T00:21:19Z

    RiveraValdez, Vladimir likes this.

  • LIbertad

    at 2013-08-27T19:25:07Z

    La libertad no es poder elegir entre unas pocas opciones impuestas, sino tener el control de tu propia vida.
    La libertad no es elegir quien será tu amo, es no tener amo.

    petronilo sanchez likes this.

    petronilo sanchez shared this.