sofias. pink sofias@identi.ca
i like sugar, green things and designing systems. i think following orders, acting normal and being natural is quite a waste of time.
Pump.io support coming to Choqok!
JanKusanagi at 2013-12-08T18:07:30Z
l30bravo, sofias. pink, José María Morales, ezeq and 14 others likes this.
Colegota, n2t, n2t, n2t and 7 others shared this.
Show all 9 repliesChristopher M. Hobbs (inactive) at 2013-12-09T01:05:16Z
NoScript made me realize how much crap sites tend to load in from other sources. Web pages definitely aren't web pages these days.
Guess this is where I fall behind the times and plant myself firmly into my grumpy old man ways. I prefer HTTP for sharing text, not building "applications".
sofias. pink, ciarang, eeach, jasonriedy@fmrl.me and 3 others likes this.
mray INACTIVE shared this.
Yep, nowadays a website can be broken from any of 300 different servers failing.
Webmasters are no longer masters of their domains, sadly.
If they aren't masters of their own domains, I think we don't have to call them "webmasters". Maybe "webfiddlers"? :-)
Douglas Perkins at 2013-12-09T01:13:20Z
jpope, jrobertson, Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive) likes this.
Even worse than having part of your site's functionality rely on third party servers... is having a big chunk of said funtionality completely outsourced.
Yes, I'm looking at you Disqus, and people who use that on their sites ¬¬
JanKusanagi at 2013-12-09T01:45:49Z
Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive), jpope, jrobertson, lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.
mray INACTIVE at 2013-12-05T20:47:33Z
I liked that sentence: "A lock on your own house to which you do not have the master key is not a security system, it is a jail."testbeta, sofias. pink, Danc, Alberto Moshpirit and 11 others likes this.
boneidol at 2013-10-16T18:31:25Z
I don't like the difference between comments and notes ... it seems contrived to me
sofias. pink, lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.
0xAFFE at 2013-08-01T17:17:05Z
Source Code of the now 20 year old demo Second Reality
Evan Prodromou, sofias. pink likes this.
Andy C at 2013-08-01T09:37:57Z
Wondering how the hell Evan manages to writenew code, fix bugs, reboot servers, monitor his Pump timeline - all while on a family holiday.
His partner must be one understanding lady. Just like my lovely wife, in fact. Seriously, I think everyone needs some downtime and just switch off occasionally.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), sofias. pink, jrobb, Patrick Haverkamp and 1 others likes this.
ostfriesenmärz shared this.
mray INACTIVE at 2012-09-28T10:20:15+00:00
this game looks awesome http://ur1.ca/6q8ct - even in its early form. #wanttoplaysofias. pink likes this.
vinzv (inactive) at 2012-09-28T14:16:44+00:00
"Die sind alle pädagogisch vorbelastet."sofias. pink likes this.
vinzv (inactive) at 2012-09-24T22:00:54+00:00
Wen freies Web und alles drumherum interessiert: Ich hab da mal eine Gruppe angelegt. http://identi.ca/url/73678714 !librewebsofias. pink, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), Tilman Beitter likes this.
grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), Tilman Beitter, Tilman Beitter shared this.
Bembel ::BK:: at 2012-09-25T06:35:12+00:00
Schadensersatz für Taufe ... http://j.mp/PTVBcksofias. pink likes this.
Tonnerre Lombard at 2012-09-25T06:36:28+00:00
A song which is unfortunately not played a lot anymore in the datacenters of the world: «You're no Sun, you're no Sun of mine!»sofias. pink likes this.
ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ, ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ shared this.
Adrian Heine at 2012-09-25T08:06:57+00:00
I'm doing the coursera course on Human-Computer Interaction https://class.coursera.org/hci-2012-002 (cc @estereoeo)sofias. pink likes this.
vinzv (inactive) at 2012-09-24T20:01:49+00:00
Schön zu sehen, dass !identica grade wieder etwas Fahrt aufnimmt. Nicht nur dass Leute zurück kommen - auch Neue kommen dazu!N, sofias. pink, Patrick Schiffer, ostfriesenmärz likes this.
Dr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod, a(n) person, a(n) person and 6 others shared this.
@vinzv die status.net instanz der Piraten ist ja auch beschlossen (liquidantrag is durch)@vinzv Hoffentlich ist das mehr als eine zeitweilige Laune. Es wäre die richtige Antwort auf die Entwicklungen bei Twitter. // cc: !identicaBenni Bärmann at 2012-09-13T15:33:12+00:00
Die Revolution muss leider aus hygienischen Gründen abgesagt werden: http://identi.ca/attachment/73550653sofias. pink likes this.
gwaihir, gwaihir, Dr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod shared this.
Arne Babenhauserheide at 2012-09-22T19:18:07+00:00
“Definition of smart bombs: Bombs which are smarter than the people who use them” — not too hard :) → http://ur1.ca/adw4zsofias. pink likes this.
ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ at 2012-08-09T22:25:02+00:00
Das beruhigende Gefühl von Farbe in den Haaren ♥ (und diesmal bleibt es über Nacht drinne!)sofias. pink likes this.
ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ at 2012-07-15T12:07:44+00:00
Früher latschte ich auf Ubahnsteigen vor Langeweile rum, heute um die Funkzelle mit freien Kapazitäten zu finden.sofias. pink likes this.