Ben Sturmfels stumbles@identi.ca
Ballarat, Australia
Free software activist who loves riding bikes and flying kites. Lead developer at www.sturm.com.au.
Rebel Jedi archero@identi.ca
República Galáctica
I'm not anti-social, I'm just not user friendly • Geek un poco Friki • GNU / Linux • KDE Plasma • SciFi • Astronomía • Ciencia • Informático en el averno Otras redes sociales: Mastodon → https://mastodon.social/@archero
MATTEO BECHINI matbech@identi.ca
Alcuni profili: https://venera.social/profile/matteobechini https://pixelfed.social/matbech https://f.freinetz.ch/profile/mbearchitects
Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.
AndStatus@Identi.ca andstatus@identi.ca
Moscow, Russia
Open Source community based project, creating AndStatus social networking client for Android, which supports Pump.io, GNU Social, Mastodon, Twitter... Homepage: http://andstatus.org GitHub home: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus
Ike heluecht@identi.ca
Da hotpump.net schon seit mehreren Wochen down ist, wird das hier jetzt zu meinem primären pump.io-Account. Sollte dieser Server dann auch mal für längere Zeit down sein, wird pump.io für mich Geschichte sein. Wer mich zuverlässig lesen möchte, kann mich von Friendica, Diaspora, GNU Social Hubzilla und Mastodon über die Adresse heluecht@pirati.ca erreichen.
Ian Kelling iank@pump.iankelling.org
Sysadmin at FSF. https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board https://iankelling.org
Black Canary canary@mipump.es
Florian Effenberger floeff@identi.ca
Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, Germany
Proud uncle, music lover and happy Bavarian. Glad to be a LibreOffice contributor and The Document Foundation's Executive Director.
Daniel Koć kocio@identi.ca
Warsaw, Poland
FLOSS and free culture enthusiast. Former LinuxNews.pl newsman, Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap editor, Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska ( http://mdrn.pl ) volunteer.
unsigned_nerd unsigned_nerd@datamost.com
waking up to pee and see what's up online ヾ(* ̄д ̄)ツ !!!, https://shebang.tech, #tinglish
Paul Tansom aptanet@identi.ca
Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Linux & retro computer geek who likes to sail boats when he can. Keen on wildlife, particularly cetaceans. Run the Portsmouth & SE Hants. Linux User Group.