Ted Smith tedks@identi.ca
Washington, United States
Uncompromising in the pursuit and defence of knowledge and freedom.
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko@identi.ca
Boulder, United States
Founder and CEO of Least Authority Enterprises. Email zooko@leastauthority.com or zooko@zooko.com.
Osama Khalid osamak@identi.ca
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Human rights, justice and software freedom are things I care about. (Lazy) programmer. Translator (for hire!). PGP: 5A103D8C
Free Culture DC freeculturedc@identi.ca
Washington, United States
Information policy and digital rights in the Washington, D.C. area
Freedom Included freedomincluded@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
Low volume news announcements from Freedom Included, Inc. - see http://identi.ca/group/freedomincluded for higher volume group.
The Anarcat anarcat@identi.ca
Sysadmin, programmer, geek-of-all-trades, ex-philosopher, ex-musician, future-writer? future-hasbeen?
Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.
Command Line Magic climagic@identi.ca
Cool Unix/Linux Command Line tricks you can use in 140 characters or less.
David Sugar dyfet@identi.ca
Cape May Court House, United States
I am Vice Chief of the Cherokees of Idaho and I maintain a number of packages in the GNU project as chief facilitator for GNU Telephony. I travel and speak internationally on free software in telecommunications and issues of Indigenous Sovereignty.
Deb Nicholson eximious@identi.ca
Boston, United States
I like noisy music, tasty food and free software.
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Luke Faraone lfaraone@identi.ca
cypherpunk cpunk@identi.ca
donald robertson III donaldrobertsoniii@identi.ca
I'm currently the copyright administrator for the Free Software Foundation. I'm also an attorney.