It's good now =)
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JanKusanagi at 2016-04-01T13:10:52Z
Now you need to confirm that this isn't an April's fools thing =)
Chakra Linux likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2016-03-06T21:50:47Z
That depends on the client, of course.
A thumbnail is generated when you upload the image, but the client you use might show you (by default or by configuration) the big image directly.
Anyway, not that it's a problem, it's just that I saw that the full image was 3000*4000, and it seemed a bit overkill xD
Most people will probably only see the thumbnail, so as far as server load is concerned, it's probably fine =)
Chakra Linux likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2016-03-05T15:33:23Z
>> ChakraOS:
“[...] Am afraid identica doesn't allow for editing the posts, [...]” ( is one of many nodes) allows post editing. But the web interface you're using does not have such capabilities.
Desktop clients such as Dianara and Pumpa can do that, and much more.
Luis Ángel Fernández Fernández, Stephen Michael Kellat, Chakra Linux likes this.
JanKusanagi at 2016-03-05T14:28:23Z
Chakra Linux likes this.
Onlooker at 2015-11-11T13:35:59Z
Love Chakra. I use it every now and again on my machine back home. Like Jan, I don't customize because it looks gorgeous enough already.
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