Iván Ruvalcaba icaroperseo@identi.ca
He is a Computer Engineer, Technical Professional in Computer Science and Co-founder of <°DesdeLinux. — https://dualtemptation.wordpress.com/ — Away from Pump.io right now! Follow me on: — Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@ivanruvalcaba Es Ingeniero en Computación, Profesional Técnico en Informática y Cofundador de <°DesdeLinux. — https://dualtemptation.wordpress.com/ — Ausente en Pump.io en estos momentos! Sígueme en: Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@ivanruvalcaba Keybase: https://ivanruvalcaba.keybase.pub
Dianara is up to date in Archlinux
2017-12-31T14:54:48Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Happy new year to everyone!!!
Excellent way to start the day
2017-10-02T14:16:01Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Great, https://mastodon.social/ is down! :-/
KMarkdownWebView: Cómo previsualizar documentos Markdown en KDE
2017-10-02T14:05:28Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
KMarkdownWebView tiene como propósito el desplegar una vista previa de documentos escritos en Markdown, sirviendo como soporte para algunas aplicaciones KDE, como pueden ser: los gestores de archivos Dolphin y Krusader, el compresor de archivos Ark, el editor de texto avanzado Kate y el entorno de desarrollo integrado —IDE— KDevelop. Cabe destacar que KMarkdownWebView puede ser construido para emplear tanto QtWebEngine como QtWebKit, siendo el primer componente el utilizado por defecto.
2017-10-01T16:53:40Z via Dianara CC: Public
Archlinux Dianara package is up today
2017-09-30T20:21:21Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers, JanKusanagi, K'
Well, seems it works!
Thank you @JanKusanagi!
EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
How to: Crear Dash Docsets Con Dashing
2017-01-18T16:32:46Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Son muchas las razones por las que resulta necesario disponer de cierta documentación sin depender de una conexión a la web, ya sea porque bajo ciertas limitaciones y circunstancias el acceso a la red resulta inviable o bien por simples cuestiones prácticas. Pero lo que no podemos negar es que todos sentimos cierto grado de frustración cuando vemos imposible el acceso a dicho recurso, el cual forma parte integral de la actividad que estamos o pretendemos desempeñar. Con el panorama anterior en mente, a continación describiré una posible solución a esta problemática.
Continuar leyendo: https://icaroperseo.github.io/blog/como-crear-dash-docsets/
2016-12-18T07:50:42Z via Dianara CC: Public
Please, help to Chelsea Manning!
2016-10-10T15:51:32Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
The U.S. military just sentenced Chelsea Manning to 7 days solitary confinement for her suicide attempt!
"[...] It’s indefensible that the U.S. government would sentence Chelsea to seven days in such cruel and inhumane conditions as punishment for the feelings of desperation that led her to attempt suicide in July.
It makes it clear that we need to stand up for Chelsea now more than ever. Once she receives written notice of the decision, she has 15 days to file her appeal.
But only public scrutiny and outrage will ensure that the Army knows we are watching and demanding justice for Chelsea.
Thanks to pressure from Demand Progress members over the last year and a half, Chelsea was promised she would finally gain access to some of the critical medical care she needs.
But the military’s unjust sentence would compromise Chelsea’s life.
With 73% percent of all prison suicides happening in isolation cells, it’s no wonder mental health experts are reacting to the verdict with “shock” and “outrage”.
It’s unconscionable for the government to knowingly put Chelsea’s health at risk AGAIN by threatening her with solitary confinement for an act that merits support and care, not punishment.
Whether or not you agree with Chelsea’s actions as a whistleblower, the Army must not punish people for struggling with unmet mental health needs. [...]"
More info: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/24/us/chelsea-manning-fort-leavenworth-attempted-suicide.html
Tupulpo, Douglas Perkins likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
Dianara 1.3.5 avaliable for Arch linux and derivatives
2016-10-10T15:36:09Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
New release, new maintainer for this awesome Pump.io client (available in AUR of course).
P.S. Soon also available for Slackware! :)
cronos, GNUstav Huarcaya, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
cronos shared this.
Thanks for the adoption! \o/
One thing though: I noticed you've removed the qca-ossl dependency. Any particular reason?
Maybe on Archlinux QOAuth itself depends on qca-ossl, but otherwise, that's a required dependency. It's not a build-time dependency, but it's required at runtime. Dianara won't run without it.
EDIT: nevermind, I see that the qca package (required by qoauth) itself, on Archlinux, already provides the openssl plugin =)
JanKusanagi at 2016-10-10T19:13:47Z
Iván Ruvalcaba likes this.
BTW, it should be possible to build this with Qt 5 now.
You could try it by replacing qmake-qt4 with just qmake, and depending on qoauth-git (also in the AUR). The QJSON dependency could then be dropped.
Firefox OS/B2G OS: the party is over
2016-09-27T17:38:18Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
" [...] Today we are announcing the next phase in that evolution. While work at Mozilla on Firefox OS has ceased, we very much need to continue to evolve the underlying code that comprises Gecko, our web platform engine, as part of the ongoing development of Firefox. In order to evolve quickly and enable substantial new architectural changes in Gecko, Mozilla’s Platform Engineering organization needs to remove all B2G-related code from mozilla-central. This certainly has consequences for B2G OS. For the community to continue working on B2G OS they will have to maintain a code base that includes a full version of Gecko, so will need to fork Gecko and proceed with development on their own, separate branch. [...] "
No comments...! -.-'
2016-08-28T16:03:40Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
"I hate the word homophobia.
It is not a phobia.
You are not afraid.
You are a moron."
Morgan Freeman
¡Completamente de acuerdo!/Completely agree!
Vladimir, Dana, FLWNQWUD, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
Vladimir, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
Dianara (Pump.io desktop client) available for Slackware and derivatives
2016-08-28T15:53:07Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Dianara is currently available in the SlackBuilds repository (community/partially official repository).
Enjoy and keep Pump it!!! :D
Marcos likes this.
Marcos shared this.
Is Slackware killing your office social life too?
2016-08-24T05:42:25Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
I attest! :P
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), GNUstav Huarcaya, Freemor, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
Nuevo lanzamiento de FreeSlack 14.2
2016-08-13T14:30:55Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
El 9 de agosto del presente año el proyecto FreeSlack realizó un nuevo lanzamiento de su Free eXpansion Pack —FXP— para Slackware 14.2. FreeSlack tuvo su origen como una iniciativa cuya finalidad fue la de documentar, a través de un sencillo listado, todos los paquetes no libres —privativos— contenidos en el DVD de instalación de Slackware, así como también, proporcionar una guía de pasos a seguir para poder «liberar» de aplicaciones privativas una instalación de Slackware existente. Actualmente el proyecto ha llegado mucho más allá al contar con un repositorio que contenga exclusivamente aplicaciones libres además de disponer de una imagen ISO para la instalación de un Slackware «libre» en arquitecturas de 64 bits.
Marcos likes this.
Noooooooooo!!!! Un GNU fumando! NOOOOO!!
JanKusanagi at 2016-08-13T15:11:55Z
Iván Ruvalcaba likes this.
Los Cuatro (o Cinco) Grandes [Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon y Microsoft]
2016-08-11T18:16:14Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
"[...] En las condiciones actuales, en cuanto un proyecto está basado en información y su procesamiento, uno está condenado, a largo plazo, a tener que tratar con al menos uno de los Cuatro o Cinco Grandes. [...]"
Meanwhile in a climate summit...
2016-07-18T19:03:45Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), --, Marcos, EVAnaRkISTO and 2 others likes this.
der.hans, EVAnaRkISTO, ghostdancer, Doug Whitfield and 5 others shared this.
JanKusanagi at 2016-07-18T20:14:13Z
EVAnaRkISTO, Douglas Perkins likes this.
2016-03-04T00:14:51Z via Choqok To: Public
Debian 9.0 Stretch Will Be Delayed To Allow For The Linux 4.10 Kernel (next year) >.< http://bit.ly/1nkb4r22015-08-19T17:03:44Z via Choqok To: Public
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Pocket ur1.ca/nhdk6 Thanks #Mozilla for that!