Yusuf Tezcan yt@identi.ca

Antalya, Turkey

Computer Engineer, Technology Manager of Tablets Mobile


  • Free Software Foundation fsf@identi.ca

    Boston, United States

    To subscribe, visit status.fsf.org/fsf, hit subscribe, then enter username@identi.ca. Our posts will appear in your identi.ca feed as usual.

  • Neil Hodges takeshitakenji@identi.ca

    Ross (historical), United States

    Cooking and baking on two wheels!

  • Diego Naranjo diegales@identi.ca

    Lawyer. Specialized on Human Rights. Also interested on Free Software.

  • Stefano Zacchiroli zack@identi.ca

    Paris, France

    Geek, Debian Project Leader 2010-2013, Free Software zealot, Computer Science professor. Italian from Bologna, emigrated to Paris, France

  • Matthias Kirschner kirschner@identi.ca

    Berlin, Germany

    FSFE's President. Working for Free Software, so everyone can self-determined use, study, share, and improve software. Account inactive: Please visit my mastodon account for microblogging or my private website for other contact details.

  • Gabriel Saldana gabrielsaldana@identi.ca

    Guadalajara, Mexico

    Web developer and free software enthusiast. Author of the Emacs identica-mode

  • Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca

    Montreal, Canada

    Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.

  • Muge Cerman mugecerman@identi.ca

    Istanbul, Turkey

    SuperInfluencer/Trendhunter/AngelAdvisor/Consultant-IMC/Knowledge Junkie

  • Karl Fogel kfogel@identi.ca

    Chicago, United States

    see http://red-bean.com/kfogel

  • Luis Villa tieguy@identi.ca

    San Francisco, United States

  • Simon Phipps webmink@identi.ca

    Southampton, United Kingdom

    Software freedom and digital rights activist, photographer, writer, speaker, consultant, floor wax. Find me via https://webm.ink

  • Philippe Makowski philippem@identi.ca

    Foix, France

    Firebird Foundation President, packager for Mageia and Fedora

  • Richard Fontana fontana@identi.ca

    Native New Yorker/Brooklynite, now in exile

    IAAL. Views in dents solely mine & not those of any past|present employer|client. Fear not the long con!

  • GNOME gnome@identi.ca

    The Free Software Desktop Project

  • Jono Bacon jonobacon@identi.ca

    Ubuntu Community Manager, Author and Musician. For the gory details, see http://www.jonobacon.org/about/

  • Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca

    Cambridge, United States

    These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.

  • Launchpad.net launchpad@identi.ca

    Free software collaboration and project hosting from the friendly folks at Canonical.

  • Ubuntu One ubuntuone@identi.ca

    Team account for Ubuntu One, the personal cloud that brings your digital life together.

  • Firebird SQL Database (RDBMS) firebird@identi.ca

    See the wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firebird_(database_server)