Steven Kastin deritblog@identi.ca
Steinrode, Germany
www.der-it-blog.de Alles rund um den Computer - IT News, Videotutorials, Technik Reviews
Steven Kastin at 2013-03-13T02:07:51+00:00
Hey Guys, i have a nice Blog for your. www.der-it-blog.de IT Blog, IT News, Software & Hardware, Videotutorials and More!Steven Kastin likes this.
Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-03-12T16:34:37+00:00
"#Studie: Viele #Frauen haben keinen Zugang zu #Verhütungsmittel n" http://is.gd/CVMNGz !wissenschaft !de !nachrichten !dailyme #verhütungSteven Kastin likes this.
Steven Kastin, Steven Kastin shared this.
Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-03-12T16:35:40+00:00
"#Fracking kann Flüsse und Seen belasten" http://is.gd/FiLG8T !wissenschaft !de !nachrichten !dailyme !umweltSteven Kastin likes this.
Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-03-12T16:36:55+00:00
"#Schlafmangel macht hungrig - und dicker" http://is.gd/DxukBa !wissenschaft !de !nachrichten !dailyme #übergewichtSteven Kastin likes this.
Saul Uribe at 2013-03-12T23:50:28+00:00
Anyone suggest a good middleware? I'm developing an app that need to get events when a data is saved on database. Thanks !linuxSteven Kastin likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2013-03-12T23:55:12+00:00
♺ @schestowitz "Kids should be able to program…install !GNU/ !Linux !Gentoo. We're trying to build a 1337 super race!" http://ur1.ca/d1t91Steven Kastin likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2013-03-12T23:28:01+00:00
"Kids should be able to program. Kids should be able to install Gentoo. We're trying to build a 1337 super race!" http://tuxradar.com/content/open-ballot-what-does-education-needJames Robertson, Al-Scandar Solstag, Steven Kastin likes this.
Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag shared this.
♺ @schestowitz "Kids should be able to program…install !GNU/ !Linux !Gentoo. We're trying to build a 1337 super race!" http://ur1.ca/d1t91Jose R Rodriguez at 2013-03-12T23:55:12+00:00
Steven Kastin likes this.
Back in my days, you knew something about Linux if you could install Gentoo. Now every damn kid can do it! #rantDr. Roy Schestowitz likes this.
همید at 2013-03-12T18:20:16+00:00
یعنی بعضی وقتا آدم استدلالهایی میشنوه در این حد که: ببین جمهوری اسلامی چه خوبه، ما اصن زمان شاه اینترنت و موبایل داشتیم؟ نداشتیم دیگه!Dalba, aliva, SinaMomken, chalist and 4 others likes this.
Amin Asoode, Amin Asoode, letssharehopes, letssharehopes and 2 others shared this.
@hx :)))))))))))) طرف چه بی منطق بوده :)))@danialbehzadi @hx اینا که خوبه! من در مورد «خط تلفن برای همه» هم این استدلالو شنیدم. معلم آمادگی دفاعیمون. :DChatterbox at 2013-03-13T17:39:30+00:00
Danial Behzadi, مشید likes this.
مشید at 2013-03-11T18:41:52+00:00
خواب دیدم حجاب آزاد شده با یه تیشرت معمولی و شلوار لی و دوربینم رفتم بیرون عکاسی بارون بهاری می اومد باد میزد زیر گردنو موهام چقدر خوب بود.Steven Kastin, Dalba, Bahram, Chatterbox and 1 others likes this.
@lioner ایشالا که همینجوری تعبیر بشه:-)Elham at 2013-03-11T18:47:10+00:00
Chatterbox, مشید likes this.
X11R5 at 2013-03-12T21:06:22+00:00
@marjoleink Well, i'll admit i think mine is too damn highSteven Kastin, null likes this.
Danial Behzadi at 2013-03-12T13:16:00+00:00
شما اصلاً اون @mfat رو به من نشان بده!Steven Kastin, M∂hmood, mohammad Efazati likes this.
mohammad Efazati, mohammad Efazati shared this.
Kev Macphail at 2013-03-12T22:48:08+00:00
Remember: White smoke = new Pope. Black smoke = still burning laptops and hard drives.... ;)James Robertson, Steven Kastin likes this.
mcnalu, mcnalu, Thomas Venables, Thomas Venables shared this.
@kevie I thought black smoke meant they were still BBQingiiriix at 2013-03-12T13:03:46+00:00
با خوشحالی و هیجان انتشار رسمی اپلیکیشن اندروید مبیننت رو اعلام میکنم. امیدوارم لذت ببرید. http://bit.ly/XntZnCSteven Kastin, Bahram, M∂hmood, chalist likes this.
@iiriix به به.عالی. تبریک :)Danial Behzadi at 2013-03-12T01:09:10+00:00
شما ببین ویندوز ۸ چه افتضاحیه که بازیها دارن دستهجمعی سوییچ میکنن رو گنو/لینوکس. این بار تیم فورترس دو: http://tinyurl.com/bc7axqpSteven Kastin, Bahram, mohammad Efazati, farid and 2 others likes this.
Mohammad, Mohammad, novid, novid shared this.
@danialbehzadi یه بازی مفتی داره! بگیر ببین چطوریه! روی اپن سوزه که استیم نصب نمیشهEric Mesa at 2013-03-11T21:19:17+00:00
To all !KDE devs - thank you so much for creating such a customizable desktop! Please never change that;it's the biggest reason I use KDESteven Kastin, Ladislav Ezr, nilsding, Marcio B. Jr. and 3 others likes this.
Martin S., Martin S., reticuleena, reticuleena and 16 others shared this.
KDE is cool, I think it is the best Linux desktop. Greedy? I dont know, never measured. But it is stable and user friendly.Herli Menezes at 2013-03-11T21:25:03+00:00
Ricardo Chung likes this.
Steven Kastin at 2013-03-13T01:54:14+00:00
Ich möchte euch mal einen coolen Blog vorstellen Der IT Blog - Alles rund um den Computer ITNews, ITBlog, Video Tutorials www.der-it-blog.deSteven Kastin likes this.
Steven Kastin at 2013-03-13T01:59:19+00:00
Hey WIllkommen in der Gruppe Leute, habt viel Spaß!Steven Kastin likes this.
Jason Self at 2013-03-11T20:26:23+00:00
Version 6 of the !FSF endorsed !Trisquel !GNU !Linux distribution is now available - http://ur1.ca/d1gv8Neemrana Hotels, Steven Kastin, Manu, Mario Niedermayer and 4 others likes this.
Luis A. Morán Morales, Luis A. Morán Morales, Hossein Rayeshman, Hossein Rayeshman and 26 others shared this.