Enrico Rossi erossi@identi.ca
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Computer geek, system administrator, linux developer
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2018-02-13T20:43:36Z
SnowCamp in Laveno (e cena del sabato)
Il 22 febbraio si avvicina e con esso la data dello SnowCamp, ritrovo
invernale di Debianari a Laveno, per lavorare in compagnia e rendere più
facile l'attesa di DebConf e altri eventi estivi.lists.debian.org
@LIFO @Gruppo Linux Como ci sono ancora posti sia per il camp che per la cena di sabato, aperta alla comunità locale.Enrico Rossi likes this.
Enrico Rossi shared this.
Meet @Debian at @fosdem next week. We will be at building K level 1.
Debian Project at 2018-01-27T17:36:05Z
Meet @Debian at @fosdem next week. We will be at building K level 1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2018/FOSDEM
Enrico Rossi, clacke@libranet.de ❌, MATTEO BECHINI, Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ and 1 others shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-08-14T21:35:07Z
Software Freedom Doesn't Kill People, Your Security Through Obscurity Kills People - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )At least one person has already been killed in a crash while using a proprietary software auto-control system. Volkswagen decided to take a different route; they decided to kill us all slowly (rather than quickly) by using proprietary software to lie about their emissions and illegally polluting our air.
Enrico Rossi likes this.
Enrico Rossi shared this.
DebConf16 videos already available!
Debian Project at 2016-07-06T07:22:50Z
Thanks video team, numerous videos from the DebConf16 talks are already available for download and watch.
DebConf16 continues all along the week; today is the DayTrip; talks and BoFs will resume on Thursday.
der.hans, Charles Stanhope, Arcee, Enrico Rossi and 1 others likes this.
Iñaki Arenaza, Javier Cantero, Javier Cantero, Javier Cantero and 2 others shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2015-10-16T08:35:28Z
An open-source webcomic? - Pepper&CarrotThe first part of this blog-post will explain you the design and why a webcomic can be open-source, the second will show you screenshots of the tools running on my workstation and then the last part will inform you how to get every Pepper&Carrot 's sources and tools and build your own.
Enrico Rossi, Mike Linksvayer, Charles Stanhope, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 1 others likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.