Jason Self

Jason Self at

When I go to the rooftop deck of my apartment building this sign is on a gate to a fenced off area with a cell site inside. Doesn't inspire comfort for being on the rooftop deck.

lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.

Yeah...... I might be avoiding that spot.

Freemor at 2016-05-10T20:48:30Z

Kete Foy, lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.

Yes, nothing to worry about. Did you read the latest gossip about Beyonce today? #dontlookoverthere

jrobertson at 2016-05-11T07:50:51Z

Well, *if* they did it right, beyond that point everything is safe (square law and everything).

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-05-11T11:44:20Z

At those frequencies the most that will happen is tissue heating. Limit your exposure and you'll live. Stick around too long and you'll understand what a hotdog overcooking in a microwave feels like.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2016-05-12T02:13:43Z

X11R5 likes this.