Kev Macphail kevie@identi.ca
Lewis, United Kingdom
A lewis man, proud dad, Christian, Linux user, podcaster (CCJam, Crivins, TuxJam), Bluenose & (N.O) Saints fan, Married to @lochiesangel
Creative Commons at 2013-06-18T17:50:11+00:00
New documentary "Copyleft: All Wrongs Reversed" features interviews with CC and @publicknowledge http://vimeo.com/66363470Kev Macphail, °\•/° likes this.
Kev Macphail, Mitch Featherston, bjavotte shared this.
Duck Duck Go at 2013-06-15T17:46:42+00:00
Thank you to everyone spreading DuckDuckgo! We've broken our traffic records every day this week!: http://ur1.ca/7z7guKev Macphail, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, herath72, chmod755 and 7 others likes this.
Shaun Mallette, Danial Behzadi, Moparx, Joel Adamson and 17 others shared this.
RD @duckduckgo Thank you to everyone spreading #DuckDuckgo! We've broken our traffic records every day this week!: http://ur1.ca/7z7gucongrats @duckduckgo here's a link to user graph - http://arty.li/ZpL - not sure though y ppl think of ddg as private and google "public"Akari-chan at 2012-12-11T00:13:11+00:00
Computers are like air conditioners, they stop working properly if you open windowsKev Macphail likes this.
Kev Macphail at 2012-11-01T17:27:09+00:00
Kev Macphail, a(n) person likes this.
Mister Denticator at 2012-11-12T19:53:27+00:00
Yesterday top #statustician is kevie from identi.ca with 178 dents!Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Kev Macphail likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
Kevie Jr at 2012-11-02T06:57:43+00:00
Hullo lollipops 9;;;;aaKev Macphail likes this.
♺ @weeguy: Hullo lollipops 9;;;;aaMoshe Njema at 2012-05-03T08:06:17+00:00
And my big sis' #Galaxy #Note has successfully been rooted! #CyanogenMod y'all. The root, the root, the root is on fire! Let the mutha run!Kev Macphail likes this.
The Tor Project, Inc. at 2012-03-10T17:17:42+00:00
New alpha Tor Browser Bundles and Vidalia Bundles available for testing: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/alpha-bundles-available-testingKev Macphail likes this.
Harish Pillay, Harish Pillay, herath72, herath72 and 2 others shared this.
my mac still shows error -10810 ♻ @torproject New alpha Tor Browser Bundles and Vidalia Bundles available for testing: http://ur1.ca/8jqt8uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs at 2011-12-21T21:55:13+00:00
Don't use MP3 on the Web. Use Ogg Vorbis and MPEG4-AAC http://identi.ca/url/62831432 !HTML5Olivier G. ☃, Kev Macphail, صهيب, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Olivier G. ☃, Olivier G. ☃, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), صهيب and 3 others shared this.
YouTube hosts the video, so AFAIK the licensing burden is on them. But, do a favor: make sure YouTube makes an HTML5 version available♻ @samatjain Don't use MP3 on the Web. Use Ogg Vorbis and MPEG4-AAC http://ur1.ca/6v51s !HTML5Wikileaks at 2011-12-18T01:00:04+00:00
ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks opens global activist social network Friends of WikiLeaks https://t.co/xWcS5ckQ #freebrad #wikileaks #owsKev Macphail likes this.
Jan Wildeboer at 2011-12-07T12:28:06+00:00
The swiss story on keeping music/movies/games downloads for private use legal is really interesting. The vote was about... http://b1t.it/7koKev Macphail likes this.
Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-09-26T22:26:16+00:00
Very nice. http://www.generalfuzz.net/tunes.phpKev Macphail likes this.
@psquid nice, thanks for the link :)Chalkahlom at 2011-06-25T06:56:40+00:00
tips on How to grow !chilli 'es - www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/jun/24/how-to-grow-chilliesKev Macphail likes this.
♻ @chalkahlom tips on How to grow !chilli 'es - www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/jun/24/how-to-grow-chillieslinuxaria at 2011-06-15T13:45:55+00:00
3 Space #games on !Linux #pioneer #sun-blast #MARS http://linuxaria.com/article/3-space-games-on-linux?lang=enKev Macphail likes this.
Chalkahlom at 2011-08-01T10:46:52+00:00
it was the Thai !chilli sauce recipe that caught my eye, but the whole thing looks delicious. http://ur1.ca/4u0brKev Macphail likes this.
@chalkahlom ooo now that does look tasty, may try that out this week :)Chalkahlom at 2011-02-21T09:04:58+00:00
Kev Macphail likes this.
@chalkahlom thanks mate, really cool top, will definitely get him one when he's a bit older :)Kevie Jr at 2011-02-17T16:16:24+00:00
ĸoooooooooooooooooooooooooooookmmmmm0 tfrv ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhKev Macphail, nybill, Chalkahlom likes this.
Maverick, Maverick, Marie Axelsson, Marie Axelsson shared this.
@weeguy My thoughts exactly!andreasr at 2011-02-14T21:07:47+00:00
46 DC EA D3 FE 45 D8 09 23 EB 97 E4 95 64 10 D4 CD B2 C2 ; you are welcome ;) !lo podcastKev Macphail, Eric Mesa likes this.
Brian van den Broek, Brian van den Broek, Eric Mesa, Eric Mesa shared this.