Leanne, X11R5, Cyber Killer, Steve and 1 others likes this.
Leanne, Steve, Steve shared this.
Leanne, lostson, John Patterson, Aaron Gibson and 1 others likes this.
Back on Linux (Mint 15 XFCE), successfully built Pumpa. Amazing how easy that kind of stuff is if you use a decent OS
Leanne, Douglas Perkins, jrobb@microca.st likes this.
Delete This Account at 2013-07-21T18:09:55Z
Fernando dos Santos, Guichu, ClaudioM, ClaudioM and 2 others shared this.
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Delete This Account at 2013-07-22T15:30:45Z
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Hoàng Xuân Phú at 2011-11-13T14:12:57+00:00
Leanne likes this.