Marcelo Nogueira Dutra mndutra@identi.ca
Goiânia, Brazil
Técnico hardware e redes. Tocador violão =. http://manuchelo.blogspot.com
Stav Prodromou at 2014-11-12T17:01:18Z
Microsoft today announced plans to open source .NET http://venturebeat.com/2014/11/12/microsoft-starts-to-open-source-net-and-take-it-cross-platform-to-...Marcelo Nogueira Dutra, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Reescribiendo la presunción de inocencia
Rebel Jedi at 2014-08-11T19:37:08Z
Marcelo Nogueira Dutra, hunabku, PiratasdeGalicia, ghostdancer likes this.
a(n) person, PiratasdeGalicia, PiratasdeGalicia, PiratasdeGalicia and 5 others shared this.
Stav Prodromou at 2014-08-10T18:31:43Z
Listening once again to Eric Clapton & Friends CD "The Breeze: An Appreciation of JJ Cale" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9rj8CeLi0AMarcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
Astronomy Picture of the Day at 2013-09-13T13:00:06Z
APOD: 2013 September 13 - Crescent Moon Meets Evening Star
On September 8, brilliant planet Venus appearing as the evening star stood near a slender, crescent Moon at sunset. The close celestial pairing or conjunction was a scene enjoyed by skygazers around the world. But from some locations in South America, the Moon actually passed in front of Venus in a lunar occultation. Captured near Las Cañas, Uruguay, this two frame mosaic telescopic view shows the Moon and Venus before and after the occultation. The silvery evening star appears at right just before it winked out behind the dark lunar limb, still in bright twilight skies. About an hour later Venus emerged (left) along the three day old Moon's sunlit edge.
Luis, Marcelo Nogueira Dutra, ghostdancer likes this.
ghostdancer shared this.
http://imgur.com/yCsen23 Goiânia - Goiás - BrasilSupport The GNU Internet
It's time.Jesús E. Franco Martínez, faconti, Marcelo Santana, Aurélio A. Heckert and 15 others likes this.
Diogo Leal, Marcelo Santana, Aurélio A. Heckert, Filipe Saraiva and 7 others shared this.
mcnalu at 2013-08-26T20:02:36Z
I got app USB pushing from CLI and Firefox OS simulator working, after a bit of an amusing fight: http://blog.mcnalu.net/2013/08/firefox-os-zte-phone.htmlMarcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
Francesco OpenCode at 2013-08-22T13:17:17Z
Marcelo Nogueira Dutra, Ned Ludd, johan, Mark Jaroski and 4 others likes this.
Cyber Killer, johan, ghostdancer, axel and 1 others shared this.
- If you are looking for a place just like the good old statusnet identi.ca, I have good news for you, its spirit is still alive! Many of your old friends have been working on statusnet's federation.
So if you want to come back to us please go to: http://federation.skilledtests.com/select_your_server.html and select the server for you.
Then, if you are looking for old groups go to: http://federation.skilledtests.com/List_of_federated_Statusnet_groups.html
If you have any questions, go to:
irc.freenode.net - #social or #statusnet
And of course, you can always ask me.
See you soon! Viva la federation!
http://oracle.skilledtests.com/copyme/Michael Mehrazar, Tupulpo, McScx, Marcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
salyavin, McScx, Erkan Yılmaz shared this.
mcnalu at 2013-07-19T14:17:34Z
Dear Edward Snowden | TuxRadar Linux - http://www.tuxradar.com/content/dear-edward-snowden
Marcelo Nogueira Dutra, theru@microca.st likes this.
Aracnus at 2013-07-12T18:15:53Z
♲ Filipe Saraiva
Twitter / wikileaks: Richard Stallman and Julian ...
Status - https://twitter.com/wikileaks/statuses/355511749530759168
Photo - https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/355634896632414208
cc @Floss People
ligaçãokenyahhtah, Colectivo Montaraz, Hashem Nasarat, Seyed Mohammad Masoud Sadrnezhaad and 28 others likes this.
Javier Cuevas, Colectivo Montaraz, Oscar Candanga, Gatoso Oso and 11 others shared this.
I hope Julian remembered to pop down to the local cornershop beforehand to stock up on tea bags, milk and sugar.Dvd Mrsdn at 2013-07-14T08:58:20Z
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
zoowar at 2013-05-29T18:06:49+00:00
Marcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
- @mndutra Check also this bit.ly/14RMJut !listening to Modlitwa by Tadeusz Nalepa. Both songs have a great lyric, but in Polish :P
Marcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
Kev Macphail at 2013-05-16T16:35:28+00:00
Marcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
zoowar at 2013-05-13T18:34:42+00:00
!Listening to Heart of Gold by Neil Young http://tinysong.com/LxW0Marcelo Nogueira Dutra, ghostdancer likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes at 2013-04-28T19:57:16+00:00
♺ @musicaefantasia: Eu vejo surgir teus poetas de campos e espaços: Caetano emoção, invenção http://ur1.ca/dkxni #blog #discosfilmeslivrosMarcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
Mikael at 2013-04-23T16:45:23+00:00
!listening to Cecilia Bartoli singing Vivaldi http://youtu.be/QOMzy2iDBjMMarcelo Nogueira Dutra, Oyun likes this.
Dvd Mrsdn at 2013-04-23T18:15:54+00:00
RICHIE HAVENS : THE PARABLE OF RAMON — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m83sn2Os3wMarcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
Mikael at 2013-04-23T15:40:49+00:00
@jk nice :D someone had ofc to mix in rms into it http://youtu.be/2e68869y9E4Marcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.
Mikael at 2013-04-22T13:35:33+00:00
!listening to Toots Thielemans & Stevie Wonder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtSJH8iVdJgMarcelo Nogueira Dutra likes this.