2015-08-16T09:21:35Z via AndStatus To: Public
Big Ideas That Don't Work in Education http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/08/13/430050765/five-big-ideas-that-don-t-work-in-education/2015-08-16T08:52:34Z via AndStatus To: Public
Big Ideas That Don't Work in Education http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/08/13/430050765/five-big-ideas-that-don-t-work-in-education/#¡Ole mi niño!
shared by Parménides GV at 2015-03-21T10:27:07Z via AndStatus To: Public
Pues eso, #oleole y ole
anxel g, Jorge Verón Schenone, netgeek, William L. Anderson and 10 others likes this.
Colegota, Parménides GV, maxxcan shared this.
Show all 5 repliesBrilliant! Y bien escrito. Futuro tiene ese niño o niña :).
Por cierto, una de las partes que más me gusta de la entrevista es la de:“Later you learn that everything is easier than what was looking from the outside, because you make friends and with friends everything is better. ”
¡Di no a lectores de PDF privativos!
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2015-01-28T23:07:43Z via AndStatus To: Public
¡Una vez más el software privativo es beneficiado frente a opciones libres válidas!
EVAnaRkISTO, RiveraValdez likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO, RiveraValdez, Parménides GV shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Parménides GV at 2013-05-03T10:24:05+00:00 via web To: Public
very interesting economics take on #bitcoin, and the lack of a central bank for it http://ur1.ca/dnldm by @yanisvaroufakisParménides GV likes this.
Kuro Sawai, Kuro Sawai, Parménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Parménides GV at 2013-05-03T10:24:05+00:00 via web To: Public
very interesting economics take on #bitcoin, and the lack of a central bank for it http://ur1.ca/dnldm by @yanisvaroufakisParménides GV likes this.
Kuro Sawai, Kuro Sawai, Parménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
zital shared by Parménides GV at 2013-05-02T08:05:48+00:00 via web To: Public
The Identi.ca social network service will be moving to a pump.io platform on June 1, 2013 http://identi.ca/doc/pumpio !node !js !webdevVans Schoenen, Vans Schoenen, Parménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
zital shared by Parménides GV at 2013-05-02T08:05:48+00:00 via web To: Public
The Identi.ca social network service will be moving to a pump.io platform on June 1, 2013 http://identi.ca/doc/pumpio !node !js !webdevVans Schoenen, Vans Schoenen, Parménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
2013-01-08T20:34:30+00:00 via web To: Public
... En cualquier momento empieza algo nuevo”. Manifiesto de Navidad de CL2013-01-08T20:34:18+00:00 via web To: Public
“La conciencia del Misterio presente convierte nuestra vida en una corriente continua de novedad…"2012-12-24T23:34:03+00:00 via mustard To: catholic, Public
Nuestro gloria de hoy... Color esperanza, de Diego Torres !catholic #misadegallo2012-12-24T22:38:47+00:00 via mustard To: catholic, Public
Somos como las discotecas, hay cola para entrar antes de abrir #misadegallo !catholic #jesús #madridvictorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-17T21:45:03+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Ikey + #SolusOS, cuando te dejas la vida desarrollando contra la adversidad http://wp.me/p1fRTQ-1OS #GNU #LinuxParménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-17T21:45:03+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Ikey + #SolusOS, cuando te dejas la vida desarrollando contra la adversidad http://wp.me/p1fRTQ-1OS #GNU #LinuxParménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-16T21:52:37+00:00 via mustard To: Public
zinayfuzz, zinayfuzz, antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo and 2 others shared this.
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-16T21:52:37+00:00 via mustard To: Public
zinayfuzz, zinayfuzz, antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo and 2 others shared this.
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-13T14:42:49+00:00 via web To: Public
25 fun things to do with a Raspberry Pi | Reviews | CNET UK http://ur1.ca/bjocv vía @cnetukParménides GV likes this.
Parménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-13T14:42:49+00:00 via web To: Public
25 fun things to do with a Raspberry Pi | Reviews | CNET UK http://ur1.ca/bjocv vía @cnetukParménides GV likes this.
Parménides GV, Parménides GV shared this.
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-12T20:10:12+00:00 via web To: Public
Gracias a @tacande conozco Fossjobs http://www.fossjobs.net/ Trabajos relacionados con !Softwarelibre y codigo abierto !GNU !Linux !fsfParménides GV, bjavotte likes this.
Parménides GV, Parménides GV, bjavotte, bjavotte shared this.
victorhck shared by Parménides GV at 2012-12-12T20:10:12+00:00 via web To: Public
Gracias a @tacande conozco Fossjobs http://www.fossjobs.net/ Trabajos relacionados con !Softwarelibre y codigo abierto !GNU !Linux !fsfParménides GV, bjavotte likes this.
Parménides GV, Parménides GV, bjavotte, bjavotte shared this.