Renato Candido renatocan@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
Electrical engineer with interests in digital signal processing and computer science.
Jason Self jxself@identi.ca
Seattle, United States
https://jxself.org/ Posts are CC-BY-SA either version 4.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Gatoso Oso gatoso@identi.ca
Concepción, Chile
¿Para qué quiero tu dinero si sé ver lo infinito y eterno en lo limitado y perecedero? Ciencias naturales, filosofía de las ciencias, software libre, metal, gatos, GNU/Linux, KDE
Ben Sturmfels stumbles@identi.ca
Ballarat, Australia
Free software activist who loves riding bikes and flying kites. Lead developer at www.sturm.com.au.
Charles Stanhope cstanhope@identi.ca
Portland, OR
Software/hardware developer interested in programming languages, open platforms, art, diy, craft, music, making a living, learning, life etc. Trying hard to be part of the solution. See also http://charles.stanho.pe
Alexandre Oliva lxoliva@identi.ca
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Free Software Evangelist. GNU speaker and advisory committee member. Recipient of FSF's 2016 Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF Latin America board member. LibrePlanet São Paulo activist. 0G foreseer. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils and GNU libc. Libre-SOC contributor. GNU tools engineer at AdaCore.
Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro oitofelix@identi.ca
There is no system but GNU; Linux-libre is just one of its kernels; All software should be free as in freedom;
Tiago Malta tiagommm@identi.ca
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
poeta (quase caipira), discoteca, multi-instrumentista, gestalt-terapeuta, tecnico de raio-x e percussão, Gestor Ambiental.
Glyn Moody glynmoody@identi.ca
City of Westminster, United Kingdom
writer (Rebel Code), journalist, blogger, mostly GNU/Linux, open source, open content; the commons, copyright, patents and digital rights
GNU MediaGoblin mediagoblin@identi.ca
Making the world a better place through free software, decentralized, autonomous media hosting.
☂ Garoa Hacker Clube garoahc@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
☂ Hackerspace located in Rua Costa Carvalho, 567, Fundos. Pinheiros.
Michael R. Bernstein webmaven@identi.ca
Albuquerque, United States
Python web developer and consultant, science-fiction fan, American-Israeli dual national. Code for America Fellow.