Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-01-30T16:48:35+00:00
!GNU education website relaunches: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/gnu-education-website-relaunch !fsf !lp !ccMarcio B. Jr., donald robertson III, a(n) person, Ward Vandewege and 7 others likes this.
República del Hackuador, República del Hackuador, José María Serralde, José María Serralde and 18 others shared this.
Jonathan Nadeau at 2011-07-13T16:35:09+00:00
Hey check out my blog post at the FSF http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/jonathan-blog-introWalter Sobchak, Richard Stallman Political Notes, FooCorp, Dr. Matt Lee likes this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2011-05-18T21:56:47+00:00
Anyone want to work on OsmocomBB, a free GPRS stack? http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/osmocombbRichard Stallman Political Notes, Free Software Foundation, FooCorp likes this.
♻ @mattl: Anyone want to work on OsmocomBB, a free GPRS stack? http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/osmocombbDr. Matt Lee at 2011-05-18T18:23:07+00:00
RT: @vSUPERfreckles I uploaded a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/htTs9CC52cA?a Anti-DRM Blog Targets Nintendo For 3DS User AgreementRichard Stallman Political Notes, FooCorp, Defective by Design, Free Software Foundation likes this.
@mattl And changing your last name to Asay?John Sullivan at 2011-05-18T18:33:28+00:00
Brett Smith likes this.
Random Colour at 2010-06-03T16:00:45+00:00
greyDr. Matt Lee, Mike Linksvayer, Richard Stallman Political Notes, Rob Myers and 3 others likes this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2010-05-27T18:53:07+00:00
@rms AMA -- Ask Richard Stallman anything -- http://www.reddit.com/r/gnu/comments/c8rrk/rms_ama/ !fsf !gnu !lp !librefm !ccOsama Khalid, Christopher Allan Webber, Deb Nicholson, John Sullivan and 6 others likes this.
Max Shinn, Max Shinn, Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
Pregunten lo que quieran a Richard Stallman anything ¡hasta el 2 de junio! http://www.reddit.com/r/gnu/comments/c8rrk/rms_ama/This could be funny, insightful, surprising and/or all of the above:♻ @mattl @rms' AMA - Ask Richard Stallman anything - http://ur1.ca/03wt9Brett Smith at 2010-05-25T13:28:23+00:00
#GPL Enforcement in Apple's App Store: http://www.fsf.org/news/2010-05-app-store-compliance/ !fsf !gnuBradley M. Kuhn, Bruce Cowan, Defective by Design, Free Software Foundation and 7 others likes this.
kwadronaut, kwadronaut, occam, occam and 12 others shared this.
@brettcsmith, Thanks for your #GPL enforcement work against #Apple. It's sad they'd rather take software away rather than give users freedomDr. Matt Lee at 2010-05-25T15:05:20+00:00
Please find me another FSF Campaigns Manager http://www.fsf.org/news/job-opening-fsf-campaigns-manager !gnu !fs !lp !fsf (i'm not leaving)Christopher Allan Webber, Dr. Matt Lee, Defective by Design, Free Software Foundation and 2 others likes this.
Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer, Rafael Bonifaz, Rafael Bonifaz and 4 others shared this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2010-05-24T15:23:10+00:00
No decision today, but can you help us build a list of people who should see the film PatentAbsurdity? http://ur1.ca/032it !gnu !fsf !lp !fsDefective by Design, Free Software Foundation, Deb Nicholson, FooCorp and 2 others likes this.
@mattl: as long as it is CC BY-ND I think no one should see it. #patentabsurdity #ohtheirony #frustratedPieter Colpaert at 2010-05-24T15:29:18+00:00
Gerard Braad likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2010-05-19T19:18:41+00:00
FSF statement on WebM and VP8 -- http://www.fsf.org/news/free-software-foundation-statement-on-webm-and-vp8 !lp !fsf !gnuJeremiah Stoddard, Ubiquit, Alberto, digame así/call me that way, Bruce Cowan and 13 others likes this.
Max Shinn, Max Shinn, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 12 others shared this.
♻ @fsf: FSF statement on WebM and VP8 -- http://www.fsf.org/news/free-software-foundation-statement-on-webm-and-vp8 #lp #fsf #gnu♻ @fsf: FSF statement on WebM and VP8 -- http://www.fsf.org/news/free-software-foundation-statement-on-webm-and-vp8 !dbdFree Software Foundation at 2009-12-09T21:55:45+00:00
Our campaigns for user freedom and our support for a free operating system depend on members like you -- http://www.fsf.org/Ubiquit, Deb Nicholson, Osama Khalid, Richard Stallman Political Notes and 5 others likes this.
Parin Sharma, Parin Sharma shared this.
♺ @fsf: Our campaigns for user freedom and our support for a free operating system depend on members like you -- http://www.fsf.org/Defective by Design at 2009-12-09T21:40:58+00:00
http://www.defectivebydesign.org/2009-appeal -- Digg: http://ur1.ca/hg0x or reddit: http://ur1.ca/hg0y !dbd !fsf !gnuOsama Khalid, Rob Myers, John Sullivan, Richard Stallman Political Notes and 3 others likes this.
Parin Sharma, Parin Sharma shared this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2009-12-07T04:52:00+00:00
I just renewed my membership with the !FSF... If you haven't joined/renewed, maybe you should too.Osama Khalid, Joseph, FooCorp, Richard Stallman Political Notes and 3 others likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2009-12-02T19:25:58+00:00
http://www.fsf.org/appeal/2009/freedom-is-the-goal -- We must make freedom our goala(n) person, Lopo Lencastre de Almeida, Jure Repinc (JLP), John Sullivan and 10 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person shared this.
Please financially support my friends & colleagues at !fsf. I'm member #1; what's your #? ♻@fsf: ur1.ca/h0n0 - We must make freedom our goalBradley M. Kuhn at 2009-12-02T19:56:26+00:00
Deb Nicholson, Osama Khalid likes this.
♻ @fsf http://www.fsf.org/appeal/2009/freedom-is-the-goal -- We must make freedom our goal@fsf GNU/L*x FAQ should be updated to mention the very current + prominent non-GNU, but Linux, Android. http://ur1.ca/h4tu !fsf !gnu !linuxDr. Matt Lee at 2009-11-18T16:57:04+00:00
In Boston? Volunteer at the FSF this Thursday, Friday or next Monday! http://www.fsf.org/volunteer/boston-november-18-2009/ !fsf !gnu !dbdX11R5, Osama Khalid, John Sullivan, Richard Stallman Political Notes and 3 others likes this.
Rob Myers at 2009-11-10T19:28:56+00:00
My youngest says Trisquel is better than the old Mac. :-)Richard Stallman Political Notes, John Sullivan, Free Software Foundation, Deb Nicholson and 2 others likes this.
Dr. Matt Lee at 2009-07-29T21:06:21+00:00
GNU Generation: Calling all pre-university students !gnu !fsf !librefm -- http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/gnugenerationAloysius Abdiesus, Bruce Cowan, X11R5, Rob Myers and 4 others likes this.
@mattl do you need pre-uni students to troubleshoot your blog?Dr. Matt Lee at 2009-07-21T14:14:08+00:00
Amazon can delete your books -- http://ur1.ca/7naf -- help us spread the word against DRM! !gnu !librefm !fisl !dbd !fsf !listeningOsama Khalid, organictraveller, Christopher Allan Webber, Bruce Cowan and 6 others likes this.
Show all 5 repliesRT @mattl Amazon can delete your books -- http://ur1.ca/7naf -- help us spread the word against DRM!!dfey http://groups.fsf.org/wiki/DFEY:_Digital_Freedom_in_Education_and_Youth @mattl suggests expanding this. thoughtsBrett Smith at 2009-06-17T20:30:18+00:00
#RDF is now available for !GNU Licenses: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/2009-06-rdf !FSF #GPL #LGPL #AGPL #FDLdonald robertson III, Brett Smith, Richard Stallman Political Notes, FooCorp and 2 others likes this.
R @brettcsmith #RDF is now available for !GNU Licenses: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/2009-06-rdf !FSF #GPL #LGPL #AGPL #FDLI helped out a little with this and am glad to see @brettcsmith @mlinksva and !CC making it happen: http://ur1.ca/5ubeJohn Sullivan at 2009-06-17T20:42:24+00:00
Brett Smith likes this.
John Sullivan at 2009-06-17T19:53:48+00:00
!fsf !dbd Correcting the Kindle source code misinformation from yesterday: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/kindle-swindle-source-code/Appropedia.org, Deb Nicholson, Christopher Allan Webber, keyist and 9 others likes this.
@johnsu01 a free software kindle just had to be too good to believe.