Elena ``of Valhalla''

You may not want to know why I know

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at

Apparenty, forgetting some clothing on an outdoor clothesline during a week of on-and-off rain is an excellent way to clean some old blood stains.

Stephen Michael Kellat, bthall, Douglas Perkins, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 1 others likes this.

bthall shared this.

@valhalla@identi.ca Hmm.. Makes me seriously question what's in your rain.

Freemor at 2016-04-03T11:12:40Z

Actually, it may just have been cleanish¹ water, if you consider that multiple rinses in cool water are a good way to clean blood stains (at least fresh ones).

¹ as clean as it can get when you don't live in one of the worst polluted areas of the world, but not in the middle of nowhere either.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-04-03T12:30:54Z

The real question is... who did you murder??

JanKusanagi @identi.ca at 2016-04-03T20:54:33Z

Stephen Michael Kellat, Jason Self likes this.

@jankusanagi and this is why you don't want to know why I know :D

(because the answer is — luckily — boring)

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-04-04T08:05:15Z