ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ acid@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Pinkie Sparkle stands for love against all odds. http://genderpopender.de http://anarchobroni.es #Feminismus #Anarchismus
JanKusanagi jankusanagi@identi.ca
Between Jabberia and the Pumpiverse!
Developer of the Dianara pump.io client. Mageia GNU/Linux + Plasma user. I also use Debian GNU/Linux and Archlinux. Jabber/XMPP chatter, Pumper, C/C++/Qt coder. Pump.io User Guide: https://pumpio.readthedocs.org/en/latest/userguide.html Users by language: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Users-by-language Some tips: http://communicationfreedom.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/pump-io-tips/ And if your Pump.io server is identi.ca, check this out: https://identi.ca/jankusanagi/note/IpfiW7kBQYuXt6H7odMzQQ This is a secondary account to jankusanagi@datamost.com, so you should probably follow that one.
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér mjjzf@identi.ca
Odense, South Denmark, Denmark
Free software and culture-loving OfficeGeek, linguist, teacher, husband, father, fencer, writer, reader, eater and drinker.
Patrick Niedzielski patrickniedzielski@identi.ca
I'm a Free Software developer, blues harmonica player, Esperantisto, and a conlanger. Sometimes I make puns. Get used to it.
The Document Foundation tdforg@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
It is an independent self-governing meritocratic entity in the form of a charitable Foundation under German law.
Benno Ohnesorg direkteaktion@identi.ca
Friedrichswerder, Germany
Direkte Aktion ist das direkte Eingreifen in ökonomische und politische Zusammenhänge. Raff dich auf!
Kuro Sawai kuro@identi.ca
Mbrg, Germany
Bright, german. I like serious contents, quality pictures & humor; no spam, not too much chat!
Debian Art debianart@identi.ca
Universal City, United States
DebianArt.org is a repository of artwork done for Debian and compatible with Debian Policy.
Michiel de Jong michielbdejong@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Bohemian webmaster https://michielbdejong.com/
Arbeitskreis gegen Internet-Sperren und Zensur akzensur@identi.ca
Arbeitskreis gegen Internet-Sperren und Zensur - Über den falschen Weg im Kampf gegen Kinderpornographie
Cyber Killer cyberkiller@identi.ca
Anarchistic cyberpunk & sysadmin, if you like my dents you can flattr me: https://flattr.com/t/264853