Glyn Moody at 2013-02-12T19:15:48+00:00
Despite Protests, Congress To Bring Back CISPA Exactly As It Was Last Year, While Obama Signs Exec Order - http://bit.ly/XwvZH2 & so it goesDennis Bournique likes this.
Mitch Featherston, Mitch Featherston, XFaCE, XFaCE shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2013-02-12T18:05:36+00:00
#Android phones are connecting without carrier networks - http://bit.ly/XweLd0 huge: ad-hoc #mesh network. every phone should offer thisrpgray rpgray, Marcio B. Jr., Dennis Bournique, AmbyR00 and 2 others likes this.
rpgray rpgray, rpgray rpgray, Ds500ss Stop Commercial Socialism, Ds500ss Stop Commercial Socialism and 4 others shared this.
@RamanusAsango This is why #Android, #Open-source rock! Android phones are connecting without carrier networks - http://bit.ly/XweLd0Glyn Moody at 2013-01-04T17:15:16+00:00
Dinosaur alert: Irish newspapers desperately trying to charge for links - http://bit.ly/138lZp9 bring on the meteorites...Dennis Bournique likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2013-01-02T22:36:24+00:00
#Microsoft Is Fast Turning Into A Sideshow - http://onforb.es/UcrEKv is that a flock of vultures I see circling overhead...?Dennis Bournique, Ondřej Michálek likes this.
Arthur Schiwon, Arthur Schiwon shared this.
Andrew Currie at 2012-09-13T13:34:37+00:00
In the meantime I recommend @yeswap's excellent write-up of Firefox OS, with the best screen shots I've seen so far: http://dlvr.it/28S9jlDennis Bournique likes this.
Andrew Currie at 2012-09-06T15:16:19+00:00
#MyPhoneBook Chapter 32: "My Last Dance with Nokia" (E73, circa summer 2011) http://dlvr.it/26W6Dq -- also, why I won't #switchtolumia.Dennis Bournique likes this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2012-09-05T23:54:47+00:00
The #TPP is the worst thing since #ACTA and #SOPA. We made an infographic with @LuminConsulting showing you how. eff.org/r.a9jxDennis Bournique likes this.
Cyber Fnox, Cyber Fnox, Kyle Conway, Kyle Conway and 4 others shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2012-05-02T01:47:16+00:00
Dennis Bournique, Benoit Mortier, Ricardo Chung, AceFox14 likes this.
ovigia, ovigia, Gerry MacOstair, Gerry MacOstair and 10 others shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2012-04-26T19:24:21+00:00
Deploy your own #cloud …ultimate way to retain all the #freedoms that !GNU !Linux !Debian stands for http://j.mp/I3DU5u #OpenStack #Xen #XCPDennis Bournique likes this.
Thanks for the tip! I've included it in our weekly Open Cloud Roundup http://bit.ly/IjlanaThe Linux Foundation at 2012-04-26T20:59:41+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.