René Mérou trebol6@identi.ca
Vía Lactea
Amante del software libre, la ciencia, las nubes y activista de valores como la privacidad, libertad, comprensión, sinceridad y otros.
2021-07-16T17:04:29Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-12-14T17:04:21Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC:
Anyone knows when will be opened the access to create one new account in identica? I have a friend trying and he cant. I tried myself to create one account and i was not able to end it.Show all 5 repliesJust what Laura said, + https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/FAQ + http://larjona.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/how-i-see-pump-io-now/
JanKusanagi at 2013-12-14T18:32:29Z
n2t likes this.
Also, check out the clients! =)
I did, i have one new account in pumpity.net but i can't use it to see the identi.ca messages.
If i join in pumpity.net i have that nemu at the top right, like here, but i cant see any messages from other people. If i join identica with that pumpity.net user, i get into identica but i cant see any message even if i click on identi.ca. That changes nothing.
And the worst problem is that in the top menu at the right i just see one option: to log out.
join identica with punpity.net is absolute useless and join pompity.net does not allow you to see other users or their messages. Its nonsense.
Im a free software activist and i want to use this network. Please helpme.2013-06-22T05:02:18+00:00 via web To: Public
http://ur1.ca/eej1p Palestina, this is important to be distributed2013-06-12T02:42:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Anyone who is having trouble accessing The Pirate Bay, go here http://pirateproxy.net/ #TPB #ThePirateBay2013-04-13T10:46:58+00:00 via web To: Public
#tecnocritica ya estamos en el aire goo.gl/kzHO6fsf shared by René Mérou at 2013-04-04T22:39:34+00:00 via web To: Public
Less than 100 signatures away from 10,000 to keep DRM out of HTML + protect freedom on the Web. !lp !fsf !gnu http://u.fsf.org/fuMcScx likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Franz R., Franz R. and 29 others shared this.
fsf shared by René Mérou at 2013-04-04T22:39:34+00:00 via web To: Public
Less than 100 signatures away from 10,000 to keep DRM out of HTML + protect freedom on the Web. !lp !fsf !gnu http://u.fsf.org/fuMcScx likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Franz R., Franz R. and 29 others shared this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes shared by René Mérou at 2013-03-30T03:19:11+00:00 via web To: Public
Why courts aren't enough to ensure drone privacy http://ur1.ca/d7m6kRené Mérou, René Mérou, Dj_Dexter, Dj_Dexter shared this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes shared by René Mérou at 2013-03-30T03:19:11+00:00 via web To: Public
Why courts aren't enough to ensure drone privacy http://ur1.ca/d7m6kRené Mérou, René Mérou, Dj_Dexter, Dj_Dexter shared this.
2013-03-20T03:40:44+00:00 via web To: Public
El PP tras otra terrible barbaridad, legislar contra el derecho de copia http://goo.gl/Lm3Z3 . Malditos!! maldito PPSOE!!Laura Arjona Reina shared by René Mérou at 2012-09-26T06:03:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Con #25s hay más movimiento http://identi.ca/tag/25s ¡Saludos desde el microblogueo libre y federado !StatusNet ! #libertad #ciudadaníaRené Mérou, René Mérou shared this.
Laura Arjona Reina shared by René Mérou at 2012-09-26T06:03:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Con #25s hay más movimiento http://identi.ca/tag/25s ¡Saludos desde el microblogueo libre y federado !StatusNet ! #libertad #ciudadaníaRené Mérou, René Mérou shared this.
Jorge Verón Schenone shared by René Mérou at 2012-09-05T13:21:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Nuestros #valores se expresan a través de nuestras prioridades, decisiones, comportamiento y actitudes.Jorge Verón Schenone shared by René Mérou at 2012-09-05T13:21:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Nuestros #valores se expresan a través de nuestras prioridades, decisiones, comportamiento y actitudes.2012-06-16T13:37:42+00:00 via web To: Public
#noHayDemocracia compañeros agredidos n Murcia x la policía a la salida del juicio del alcalde por corrupcion. Difusion http://ur1.ca/9ii1k2012-04-26T08:56:40+00:00 via web To: Public
Nueva versión del mapa conceptual del software libre http://ur1.ca/93sgd ¿os parece mejor?voted for "OK. Meets my expectations for a service."
2012-04-12T04:01:18+00:00 via web To: Evan Prodromou, Public
F.N. Fdez Cortes shared by René Mérou at 2012-04-05T22:16:05+00:00 via web To: Public
Intereconomía sufre un caso 'La noria': las empresas huyen de anunciarse en ella http://goo.gl/I8H44 Via/ #formulatvRené Mérou, René Mérou shared this.
F.N. Fdez Cortes shared by René Mérou at 2012-04-05T22:16:05+00:00 via web To: Public
Intereconomía sufre un caso 'La noria': las empresas huyen de anunciarse en ella http://goo.gl/I8H44 Via/ #formulatvRené Mérou, René Mérou shared this.
2012-04-04T01:53:19+00:00 via web To: Public
Manifiesto de 55 catedráticos de Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social. Merece máxima difusión http://bit.ly/HIyE7S