Appropedia.org appropedia@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Sharing Knowledge to Build Rich, Sustainable Lives. Practices & technology for green living and effective development. Most posts by Chris.
Mike Linksvayer at 2013-06-16T06:16:54+00:00
"although IOPS realizes the utility of social networking services we're critical of the corporate background of these websites" ur1.ca/ec6rfAppropedia.org likes this.
mwgamera at 2013-06-15T11:42:42+00:00
Even though it was the right thing to do with switch to #pumpio, lack of twitter bridge for #identica makes me sad.Appropedia.org likes this.
Erkan Yılmaz shared this.
Renata Avila at 2012-12-20T13:48:35+00:00
My birthday is on Jan 1, Public Domain Day, could not be more perfect.Appropedia.org likes this.
Renata Avila at 2012-12-20T13:48:01+00:00
Jan 1, 2013: celebrating the wealth of knowledge and beauty that becomes freely available to humankind http://ur1.ca/iux2Appropedia.org likes this.
Roan Kattouw at 2012-12-07T17:37:47+00:00
The project I'm working on at !wikimedia, VisualEditor, will go live on Tuesday. Blog post preview: http://ur1.ca/bwg42Appropedia.org likes this.
Matthew Gregg at 2012-10-03T17:13:58+00:00
@chriswaterguy You have to do a logout, login to switch between services I think. Frustrating.Appropedia.org likes this.
Darshit Parmar at 2012-03-12T14:04:15+00:00
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. - Dr. Seuss !quotesAppropedia.org likes this.
victorhck at 2012-06-27T09:37:42+00:00
GNU/Linux user. openSUSE member and user. And I want a free world out too, there in the real world!!Appropedia.org likes this.
1b0t at 2012-04-09T20:09:23+00:00
very interesting! Looking forward to develop workshop- & information- materials.Appropedia.org likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2012-03-22T03:17:58+00:00
!identica I've done some work to hide posts that are either from silenced users (usually spammers) or that score badly with our spam filter.ostfriesenmärz, Appropedia.org, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ likes this.
!identica moderators will still see spam; I'm working on better UI (maybe crosshatched or dimmed out).Go for simplicity. Splatter a big red "SPAM" across the dent and disallow reply, fave and repeat. Puts spammers on notice.Stav Prodromou at 2012-03-22T03:26:06+00:00
a(n) person likes this.
bawolff at 2011-10-13T19:38:59+00:00
You can do subst: transclusions of noinclude tags, but that doesn't sound like what you want. Also can {{#ifeq:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|foo|stuff}}Appropedia.org likes this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2011-09-19T22:20:11+00:00
So farewell Google +. I enjoyed my romantic weekend with you but somehow it wasn't quite the same as the ident.ca pub.Hilton Garcia Fernandes, null, Appropedia.org, Jason Riedy and 4 others likes this.
Show all 7 repliesHas @fabsh given his opinion on the new !identica yet?the identi.ca pub is a nice place. but G+ attracts millions, and I have found a couple of thousand really smart intelligent folksRon K. Jeffries at 2011-09-20T16:15:11+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2011-09-19T19:55:11+00:00
Hello 1.0.0 world!Hilton Garcia Fernandes, a(n) person, Evan Prodromou, Chatterbox and 17 others likes this.
k1efer, k1efer, Nandan, Nandan and 8 others shared this.
Show all 9 replies@evan Nice, thanks for the nice work. :DA big day for the future of social networking! @evan, you are paving the way...a(n) person likes this.
Soumyadeep Chanda at 2011-08-31T06:03:52+00:00
anyone know about a good cpufrequecy controlling applet for !kde ?Appropedia.org likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2011-08-30T20:12:25+00:00
More than 600 people have signed the !FSF petition asking #ThisAmericanLife to use Ogg: http://ur1.ca/4zox4 Don't get left out! !playoggAppropedia.org, Osama Khalid, a(n) person, Joshua Gay and 1 others likes this.
Shinji R. Yamane, Shinji R. Yamane, Valorie Cowan Zimmerman, Valorie Cowan Zimmerman and 8 others shared this.
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2011-08-13T12:14:51+00:00
!Danish National Hospital in Copenhagen chooses !LibreOffice for standardisation: Rolled out on virtual desktops for 25,000 employees.Appropedia.org likes this.
Chalkahlom at 2011-07-03T15:05:18+00:00
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." William Butler Yeats !qAppropedia.org likes this.
Patrik Willard, Patrik Willard shared this.
Aaron Toponce at 2011-07-25T14:14:27+00:00
X11R5, Appropedia.org, Mahesh Asolkar likes this.
Taha, Taha, Freedom Maniac <Parin S.>, Freedom Maniac <Parin S.> shared this.
@eightyeight so, do u advise to hold on on the kernell update?Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ at 2011-07-20T18:53:30+00:00
MacOS is a Unix much like the Uruk-hai were once Elves, taken by the Dark Lord, tortured and mutilated into their current abomination.Loic J. Duros, Kat Walsh, X11R666, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ and 36 others likes this.
ronnyfm, ronnyfm, gonewtw, gonewtw and 89 others shared this.
1b0t at 2011-02-27T22:23:09+00:00
Why there are so less good and complete ressources on !permaculture on the internet - does everybody want to make money with books?Appropedia.org likes this.