Humor, entretenimiento y actualidad dosificada en chistes, bromas, graficos, videos, links, citas, frases y noticias.
Luka Marčetić at 2010-11-03T20:17:44+00:00
Money can't buy what God gives for free. ! likes this.
@lmarcetic except if you take it away first.Hilton Garcia Fernandes at 2010-10-29T13:49:53+00:00
"Não somos a imagem de Deus. Somos apenas a sua autocrítica." Millôr Fernandes via @millorfernandes !q !qod likes this.
Jeremy Allison at 2010-10-13T17:14:00+00:00
(See on reddit). "Hydrogen is a gas which, if left alone for long enough and in sufficient quantities, will start to think about itself" :-), DJ psi36 aka Dimi, David Nelson, simsa0 and 2 others likes this.
Justin Washu O'Brien at 2010-10-05T16:12:55+00:00
QOTD: "Q: Why is it written in Mono/C#? A: Because I hate freedom." via sparkleshare-0.2-beta1 READMEAxel Beckert, Kakurady,, Scott Beamer and 3 others likes this.
Ed Daniel, Ed Daniel, talisht3, talisht3 and 4 others shared this.
@threethirty, I didn't realize #SparkleShare was in #Mono. #Disturbing, since it's the only FLOSS replacement for #DropBox & #UbuntuOne.Chris Watkins at 2010-03-24T03:43:42+00:00
I have no Anti-Virus software installed, and I feel good. It's like being in a Spencer Tunick photo shoot, but warmer. !Linuxgdk, Chess Brain,, and 3 others likes this.,, gdk, gdk and 6 others shared this.
Harold Cabezas at 2010-03-22T22:41:58+00:00
"Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets” ~ Leonardo Da Vinci !, Fuck it likes this., shared this.
osvaldo at 2010-03-22T21:23:21+00:00
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. !q -- Groucho MarxBèr Kessels,,, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
Steven Gardig at 2010-03-20T20:14:54+00:00
if you're not working on your best ideas right now, you're doing it wrong, you should be quitting !,, A. Mitchell, Evan Prodromou and 3 others likes this., shared this.