Neustradamus at 2012-08-05T09:32:54+00:00
Talk about !XMPP / !Twitter / !BuddyCloud / !StatusNet / !Identica / !Ostatus http://plus.google.com/112072901242275143292/posts/UrLsTN2poqHjoejo likes this.
And what about !Movim ?Ingo Stützle at 2012-07-31T08:26:44+00:00
joejo likes this.
peponi at 2012-07-30T07:44:46+00:00
Eines der zentralen Meme der Industriegesellschaft ist “Arbeit”http://v.gd/MjhZaHjoejo likes this.
Rudolf Lörcks at 2012-07-30T16:48:37+00:00
#ZEIT ONLINE bittet um #Datenspenden und startet anonymen digitalen Briefkasten. http://iPir.at/brs #piraten+ #tor #ssl #pgpjoejo likes this.
joejo at 2012-07-24T09:44:14+00:00
joejo likes this.
dadamsda at 2012-07-24T16:45:30+00:00
Kanzleramt verbietet Veröffentlichung "frei" zugänglicher Dokumente. http://tiny.cc/e3lyhw #Transparenz (via @bildblog)joejo likes this.
Creative Commons at 2012-07-23T19:47:45+00:00
New interactive Creative Commons license chooser is now live! http://creativecommons.org/choose/ !ccRafaela Melo, a(n) person, Aleksej, jotafilo and 8 others likes this.
N'Guessan Wilfried, N'Guessan Wilfried, Vicente Aguiar, Vicente Aguiar and 33 others shared this.
Show all 6 replies@jxself @cwebber @creativecommons The section about "Free Cultural Works" should be even more prominent, in my opinion.nice to see explicit encouragement of #FreeCulture licenses during the selection process in the new !CC license chooser http://ur1.ca/529cnStefano Zacchiroli at 2012-07-23T21:52:51+00:00
Arne Babenhauserheide, Aleksej, Christopher Allan Webber, Greg Grossmeier likes this.
New interactive #Creative #Commons #license chooser is now live! http://creativecommons.org/choose/ #ccLiking new #CreativeCommons chooser: http://creativecommons.org/choose/ "Free Culture License" indicator very nice. (via @creativecommons)Gabriel Saldana at 2012-07-23T18:24:09+00:00
where do u guys host your !statusnet, !mediagoblin and other instances? server at home, shared hosting, vps or dedicated? !federatedjoejo likes this.
@gabrielsaldana Mine is on a server (pentium M laptop) behind my routers and its slow. I should put it up on a VPS one of these days.tius at 2012-07-22T18:57:09+00:00
RT @silner: Why Doesn't Apple Want You To Know About Apps And Data !Privacy? - Forbes http://bit.ly/Pxcri6 http://b1t.it/bN2LArne Babenhauserheide, joejo likes this.
ghostdancer, ghostdancer shared this.
mFat at 2012-07-22T13:15:16+00:00
joejo, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, ben mtl, Alexandro P. and 3 others likes this.
Nicolas Doualot, Nicolas Doualot shared this.
Show all 6 repliesI don't want a babysitter. :) If I want, I use the ctrl or shift button + left click. Ok only as a configurable option.netgeek at 2012-07-22T14:39:48+00:00
Jenny Ondioline likes this.
@mfat Short: "NO!" Long: this has been brought up many times and it it wrong! No website should open links in new windows or otherwise...@mfat ...tamper with the users workflow. If a user wants a new window he can open it himself. Most ppl don't want new windows ever. ...@mfat ... target=_blank is a relic from the times when browsers didn't have tabs and should die a violent death, cause of abuse that it doesCarlos Solís at 2012-07-21T22:09:00+00:00
@joemaro Here you go! http://to.cur.lv/FDNCEn ;Djoejo likes this.
Carlos Solís at 2012-07-20T19:01:11+00:00
@joemaro That is, don't change the Creative Commons license from BY-SA in the future - you're doing fine as you are.joejo likes this.
Bembel ::BK:: at 2012-07-20T12:19:29+00:00
Aufzeichnung zu #Grundsicherung #Grundeinkommen Linke/Piraten @bodoramelow & @johannesponader http://j.mp/Q9nEb8 #Hartz-IV via @lahnixjoejo likes this.
Benno Ohnesorg at 2012-07-20T10:38:14+00:00
Frauenmagazine beraten nicht – sie entmündigen & sind voll menschenverachtende Tipps. http://ur1.ca/9t2mgArne Babenhauserheide, joejo likes this.
Arne Babenhauserheide, Arne Babenhauserheide shared this.
Wolf Stettler at 2012-07-18T08:35:12+00:00
Schöne Grafik: "Filmpiraterie" und die Realität http://bit.ly/MHse9KKuro Sawai at 2012-07-18T13:48:23+00:00
Bürgerrechtsvereine und Webfirmen haben in den !USA http://ur1.ca/9dibh gegründet http://is.gd/CFNOt4 Start mit Partys weltweit !cccjoejo likes this.
Nick T. at 2012-07-17T21:35:54+00:00
At some point I should jump in & say that "copyright is a symptom of capitalism." !FS, !CC, & copyleft are legal hacks to treat that symptomjoejo likes this.
@dhraak That quote from a friend, plus Stallman's "Misinterpreting Copyright" (http://is.gd/2czKJe ) are what most formed my current © views@dhraakellian good quote, but not entirely true. © existed in the USSR. © comes from censorship/power/etc preceding modern ideology. ...@dhraakellian ...legal hack trival part of FS, which would be a crucial movement with or without ©. Some copyleft goes beyond treating ©.Stav Prodromou at 2012-07-16T21:37:09+00:00
!onthisdate in 1935, the world's first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Damn you, Oklahoma City!joejo likes this.
Gabriel Saldana, Gabriel Saldana shared this.