keyist keyist@identi.ca
Christopher Allan Webber at 2012-07-09T21:53:00+00:00
Carlos Solís, keyist likes this.
Carlos Solís, Carlos Solís shared this.
@cwebber tho' I share @bkuhn's misgivings "fork me on github" democratization is the greatest threat the !establishment has ever facedRichard Fontana at 2012-07-09T21:58:01+00:00
Mike Linksvayer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2011-09-28T20:27:07+00:00
Tizen should just pre-announce what other underperforming projects it will merge with and what the new name will be in a few months.rpcutts, John Sullivan, Will Kahn-Greene, Christopher Allan Webber and 2 others likes this.
chromatic at 2011-08-25T00:05:26+00:00
Hacker News should rename itself to OMG! Steve Jobs! today. Meanwhile, I write free software and yawn.keyist likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2011-08-11T07:17:29+00:00
The Great Splintering - http://bit.ly/mUL3Kv best analysis of the #londonriots I've read: "a social contract's been torn up"Benoit Mortier, keyist likes this.
Benoit Mortier, Benoit Mortier shared this.
chromatic at 2011-03-31T17:52:16+00:00
#youknowyouareanappleapologistwhen ... bad behavior on Google's part justifies Apple fascism: http://ur1.ca/3pv3rkeyist likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2010-11-30T17:16:06+00:00
#Disney head thought Jack Sparrow ruined Pirates of the Caribbean, says Johnny Depp - http://bit.ly/hMyO7m clueless about pirates againkeyist likes this.
Allison Randal at 2010-05-29T19:28:35+00:00
The driving principle of the academic model is to make students fail. The bell curve rules, if all students pass something is "wrong".keyist likes this.
Michael R. Bernstein, Michael R. Bernstein shared this.
chromatic at 2010-06-18T19:33:11+00:00
"Most iApps are basically analogous to web pages (circa 1996)": http://lwn.net/Articles/392628/keyist, Popa Adrian Marius likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius, Popa Adrian Marius shared this.
chromatic at 2010-05-03T19:02:32+00:00
I'm going to start a store called "Flashlight World" with 150,001 flashlights and a coffee bar.keyist likes this.
gabe at 2010-04-19T21:24:58+00:00
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me dozens of times, I'm an Apple customer." !qSven Heinicke, Sameer Verma, Osama Khalid, Simon Hansen and 9 others likes this.
laurelrusswurm, Sameer Verma, Sameer Verma, Valentin Villenave and 15 others shared this.
chromatic at 2009-12-12T18:52:14+00:00
C'mon, Internet! "20 must read JQuery tutorials"? 20? You must read 20 tutorials? Write something worth reading or delete your weblog.keyist likes this.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2009-11-24T20:38:03+00:00
Just teaching an intern how to call a company to test a #GPL source offer for compliance. Training the next generation of #GPL enforcement.keyist, Greg Grossmeier likes this.
@bkuhn Excellent, as always keep up the good and much needed work. We all appreciate it.@bkuhn Please tell me that when you consider a #GPL enforcer's training complete they receive their katana. http://ur1.ca/gh1tMatthew Davidson at 2009-11-23T21:38:50+00:00
Never listen to Carl Sagan before work. Puts your day into perspective. As Douglas Adams says, perspective is the one thing we can't afford.keyist likes this.
Sage Ross at 2009-11-09T21:56:53+00:00
"In this war on error you are either with us or against us! If you don't donate, the errorists win." #wikipediafundraisingslogansKakurady, keyist, Wikimedia Italia, Urpo Lankinen and 5 others likes this.
@ragesoss In this war on error your either with us or you're with us!tycho/sam at 2009-10-31T02:09:16+00:00
someone said "ttyl" and I read "tty1" and thought, odd to be talking about device nodes at this hour #signsyouneedtogotobedkeyist likes this.
@tychoish ttytty1lBrett Smith at 2009-10-06T17:05:59+00:00
I can't be the only weeaboo who keeps reading "kdesu" as "kです".keyist likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2009-09-12T18:16:20+00:00
Listening to #flossweekly realized @linuxfoundation posts to identi.ca first, then Twitter. That makes me proud.Doug Whitfield Sports Account, keyist likes this.
@evan isn't that the only non-klugey way to post to both services?Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2009-09-10T13:08:38+00:00
I think that everyone is so obsessed about consuming content and the 'real-time' Web, soon we're going to forget to actually produce contentkeyist, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Evan Prodromou likes this.
Dave Riddell at 2009-09-02T18:39:11+00:00
Objects in calendar are closer than they appear.Bèr Kessels, gabe, Alvaro, keyist and 5 others likes this.
Benjamin Mako Hill at 2009-08-09T23:41:27+00:00
Smartphone AppStores, Markets, and the like are the dystopian future we were trying to avoid.keyist, Matthew Davidson, Brett Smith, Kat Walsh and 2 others likes this.
Show all 8 repliesRT @mako Smartphone AppStores, Markets, and the like are the dystopian future we were trying to avoid.@mako problem is the *release* gatekeepers, not the app stores. Console world is even more restrictive despite using general sales channels.Brooke Vibber at 2009-08-10T00:07:07+00:00
Kat Walsh likes this.