Jason F. McBrayer at 2012-06-05T16:54:13+00:00
Starting !emacs --daemon via systemd is kinda awesome. http://ur1.ca/9g6tnMichele Bini, francisco e jurado monzon, www.rzr.online.fr likes this.
@jfm Actually, come to think of it, it would be 20% cooler using service instances per-user: http://ur1.ca/572prDr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-05-23T07:07:23+00:00
#YouTube is Embracing VP8/WebM, But Software Patent Trolls and #DRM Stand in the Way http://ur1.ca/02tuj #swpatsMichele Bini likes this.
heeed at 2010-05-22T10:00:47+00:00
Interesting, What happens to your digital identity when you die? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8691238.stm !lo !linuxMichele Bini likes this.
=> https://queer.party/@greytheearthling at 2010-05-22T11:04:47+00:00
!fkoff Everyone's running shit-scared of F——k http://xkcd.com/743/; Diaspora is targeting centralisation with !OStatus http://ur1.ca/02hvzMichele Bini likes this.
Brooke Vibber at 2010-05-21T18:40:58+00:00
Sweet! Gitorious fixed their new layout to fit in 960px, much nicer to small screens and split-screen folks than the 1100px version.Michele Bini likes this.
Kahlil Johnson at 2010-05-18T23:02:38+00:00
Michele Bini likes this.
Max Shinn at 2010-05-18T02:04:53+00:00
Join #Appleseed, the functional #Diaspora http://appleseedproject.org !facebookfree !daisychain !gnu !fsf !free !freesoftwarealphazo, Byron Gibson, Michele Bini likes this.
@trombonechamp No offense, but do we really need ANOTHER Foss social network? There's like four in development now.Evan Prodromou at 2008-05-18T15:49:33+00:00
This is my first post.Kamen Nedev, Steffen Voß, Stephen Michael Kellat, Craig Maloney and 49 others likes this.
Kamen Nedev, Stephen Michael Kellat, Evan Prodromou, صهيب and 9 others shared this.
Jesús Reyes y Reyes at 2010-05-15T17:56:06+00:00
¿Y eso es todo? ¿Descubir "lo inconsciente" consiste en pensar lo contrario de lo que diga el otro? Bendito asunto. !mxMichele Bini likes this.
@chuyinr ¿lo inconsciente? ¿en que contexto?Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-05-16T07:47:04+00:00
Google's # of results count is weird. You can get N results for "<phrase>" and X*2 results for "<phrase> <phrase2>"Michele Bini likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-05-14T23:28:06+00:00
#Facebook Censors Torrents, Even Downloads of !GNU !Linux http://www.katonda.com/blog/1132/facebook-dictatorship-wont-allow-ubuntu-torrentMichele Bini likes this.
Daniel Faucon, Daniel Faucon shared this.
Shaun Mallette at 2010-05-14T13:05:44+00:00
♺ @ghodmode: RT @dpic Comparison of distributed !facebook competitors http://bit.ly/bghepI !GNU !socialweb #socialmedia #wiki !FSFMichele Bini likes this.
Gastlag at 2010-05-14T17:12:43+00:00
acheter 5000 profils Facebook de mineures ? C'est possible ! http://is.gd/c8Xgf // via @florencedesruol !movim !april !daisychainMichele Bini likes this.
Otourly, Otourly, Blabl balba shared this.
chromatic at 2010-05-14T20:05:44+00:00
A Modern !perl Fakebook: http://www.modernperlbooks.com/mt/2010/05/a-modern-perl-fakebook.htmlMichele Bini likes this.
Alvar Maciel at 2010-05-14T21:02:04+00:00
♺ @schestowitz: #Vodacom 's Low-cost !GNU !Linux Machine Announced and Already Reviewed http://ur1.ca/00zymMichele Bini likes this.
Filipe Saraiva at 2009-08-22T02:09:32+00:00
#anarchist social network from riseup.net - https://we.riseup.net/ #anarquism !anarchism !anarchopediaMichele Bini likes this.
Guachafita.com.ve at 2010-05-10T16:17:20+00:00
Michele Bini likes this.
Ed Morgan at 2010-05-09T21:18:05+00:00
#poll !linux I wrote emacs in my bedroom in MIT, @rms stole it and my plans for the GNU OS. I have a bigger epeen than you all.Michele Bini likes this.
@rysiek yeah ofcourse just pulling your chain man, spamming is fun only when it pisses someone off :) they mean well, I do :)))Geekgoló at 2010-05-04T17:09:55+00:00
!GeekQueSeRespeta celebra el día de StarWars... "May the Force be with you"Michele Bini likes this.
veganix at 2010-05-01T00:20:36+00:00
Happy May Day to all workers, activists, hackers, squatters, unemployed, underprivileged and exploited of the world! !anarchy !socialismMichele Bini likes this.