Chiwy MFT punkmft@identi.ca
Mexico City, Mexico
Punk, vegetariano, nerd, melomano, ecologista y vago
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-07-10T17:18:30+00:00 via web To: Public
Happy 30th Birthday, GNU! http://www.fsf.org/events/happy-30th-birthday-gnu #gnu #fsfChiwy MFT shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-06-25T16:03:51+00:00 via web To: Public
German City Hopes to Wean Citizens Off Windows XP With Free #Linux CDs http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/06/germany-to-hand-out-free-ubuntu-cds-on-xps-deat http://www.muktware.com/5653/munich-distribute-lubuntu-cds-replace-windows-xpCarlos Solís likes this.
Chiwy MFT, Carlos Solís shared this.
Omar Vega Ramos shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-06-01T04:51:15+00:00 via web To: Public
Monsanto renuncia a su lucha por la industria transgénica en Europa: http://ur1.ca/e4ouu !ecologiaChiwy MFT likes this.
Chiwy MFT shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-05-23T05:38:07+00:00 via web To: Public
Militares #israel.íes 'darán clases' a policías de #Chiapas | Excélsior http://bit.ly/10kB6fX traducción: #PRI quieren chingar al #EZLN !MxJose R Rodriguez shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-05-23T05:37:57+00:00 via web To: Public
The New Spain, a.k.a.,' !Mexico' has gone public about military coordination w/ #Israel in #Chiapas, home to the #EZLN http://bit.ly/12KcRHKDebian Project shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-05-23T05:28:28+00:00 via web To: Public
!Debian GNU/Hurd 2013 released! - http://ur1.ca/dzl7sChiwy MFT likes this.
MATTEO BECHINI, MATTEO BECHINI, Matteo, Matteo and 16 others shared this.
shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-05-09T16:43:10+00:00 via web To: Public
paula heis, Chiwy MFT, Tupulpo, Xavier and 6 others likes this.
MATTEO BECHINI, MATTEO BECHINI, Chad McCullough, Chad McCullough and 56 others shared this.
2013-05-08T21:10:25+00:00 To: Public
Me esta gustando #RiotPropaganda -->http://ur1.ca/dr7ht°\•/° shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-04-29T00:13:15+00:00 via web To: Public
♺Rebelión: Casos exitosos de migración del Software Libre en El Salvador http://b1t.it/da5XDavid shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-04-21T17:14:34+00:00 via web To: Public
Llevamos un mundo nuevo en nuestros corazones; y ese mundo está creciendo en este instanteChiwy MFT, Chiwy MFT, CUENTA NO ACTIVA, CUENTA NO ACTIVA shared this.
Debian Project shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-04-21T17:13:32+00:00 via web To: Public
We now have a target date of the weekend of 4th/5th May for the release of !Debian 7.0 wheezy: http://deb.li/O8h0engelnyst, Micky, Timo Kankare, Ubuntu User and 7 others likes this.
Comunidad de Software Libre, UCR, Comunidad de Software Libre, UCR, Chiwy MFT, Chiwy MFT and 58 others shared this.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." (Douglas Adams)delete this account at 2013-04-20T15:21:37+00:00
engelnyst likes this.
veganix shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-04-06T17:44:01+00:00 via web To: Public
!listening to Anomie "Discography 1994-97" - fantastic French !hardcore, still better than most. http://ur1.ca/dab13 !diypunkDr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-03-16T20:13:35+00:00 via web To: Public
Happy birthday
Evan Prodromou, Marcio B. Jr., Alexey Andreyev, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-03-04T00:03:50+00:00 via web To: Public
"Illegal immigrants" http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/6684924_460s.jpg #australiaRiveraValdez likes this.
2013-03-04T22:36:37+00:00 To: johan, Public
@punkmft apenas lo estoy descargando2013-03-03T22:30:47+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
I never used !awesomewm but I would like to learn something to use this some day soon.johan shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-03-01T05:51:52+00:00 via web To: Public
Linus: UEFI no va de seguridad, sino de control http://ur1.ca/cxbwv !lnxonRiveraValdez likes this.
RiveraValdez, RiveraValdez, juancuyo, juancuyo and 2 others shared this.
johan shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-03-01T01:02:35+00:00 via web To: Public
Director de Game of Thrones afirma que "las descargas ilegales no importan" http://ur1.ca/cx7ioChiwy MFT, Chiwy MFT, Juan Vargas, Juan Vargas shared this.
2013-02-23T19:27:46+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Aprendiendo a usar #sox para unir varias canciones en un solo archivo -->http://ur1.ca/347iz !SoftwareLibreDr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Chiwy MFT at 2013-02-01T03:27:44+00:00 via web To: Public
Microsoft’s Anticompetitive Attack on GNU/Linux Booting is Bricking Laptops http://techrights.org/2013/01/31/bricked-by-uefi/ #gnu #linux #uefi