Rafael Pérez Pastor rapastor@identi.ca
Monóvar, Spain
Tratando de aprender cosas nuevas cuando mi vida me deja tiempo suficiente.
XDA-Developers at 2013-06-04T03:31:22+00:00
Compare Devices Easily with SpecCheck http://b1t.it/dmTzRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
iloveubuntu.net at 2013-05-07T18:56:45+00:00
How to easily convert MOBI and EPUB files to PDF via Calibre !ubuntu http://ur1.ca/dqijmRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Todd Howe at 2013-05-07T22:15:52+00:00
@CBCNews just said on the air that Windows is the only OS available if you buy a non-Apple computer - totally false. !linux !fsfTupulpo, Rafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
B. Ross Ashley, B. Ross Ashley shared this.
@tehowe yes, it got better, but it is still very hard to find a shop that is offering laptops with Linux pre-installed.Rafael Sanchez at 2013-03-11T16:29:48+00:00
Rafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Jason Self at 2013-03-11T20:26:23+00:00
Version 6 of the !FSF endorsed !Trisquel !GNU !Linux distribution is now available - http://ur1.ca/d1gv8Neemrana Hotels, Steven Kastin, Manu, Mario Niedermayer and 4 others likes this.
Luis A. Morán Morales, Luis A. Morán Morales, Hossein Rayeshman, Hossein Rayeshman and 26 others shared this.
Claudio F Filho at 2013-02-20T20:08:53+00:00
Is possible? !Debian "was used" (in the future) by engineer staff, inside of Enterprise, in Star Trek? - http://va.mu/cJqZ #fun #startrekRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Didier Raboud, Didier Raboud shared this.
@filhocf Not every swirl is !Debian. See also Debian Rolls/Rules in http://docs.seleniumhq.org/docs/02_selenium_ide.jsp#menu-barNizar Kerkeni at 2013-02-13T21:07:46+00:00
!Linux Foundation Secure Boot System Released http://ur1.ca/crji5Rafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
XDA-Developers at 2013-01-22T13:36:15+00:00
Open Source App Teaches You Android in Android http://b1t.it/cM49AndStatus@Identi.ca, Rafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Rafael Pérez Pastor, Rafael Pérez Pastor shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2013-01-02T15:45:29+00:00
☝ ♺ @mbjunior: Don't get angry, this is just a joke | "… !Ubuntu is an African word for 'Can't configure !Debian'…" !GNU/ !Linux #quoteHilton Garcia Fernandes, Rafael Pérez Pastor, bartart3d likes this.
XDA-Developers at 2012-12-02T01:01:28+00:00
Manage Your CPU with CPU Adjuster http://b1t.it/cwuHRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Rafael Pérez Pastor, Rafael Pérez Pastor shared this.
The Linux Foundation at 2012-11-29T18:16:02+00:00
Slideshow: The 10 best Linux-based gifts for $69 and up: http://bit.ly/TtBK4b Consumer electronics for #Linux fans!Rafael Pérez Pastor, kenyahhtah likes this.
Rafael Pérez Pastor, Rafael Pérez Pastor shared this.
XDA-Developers at 2012-11-21T21:30:37+00:00
ClockworkMod Recovery and TWRP for the Nexus 4 http://b1t.it/csVCRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
XDA-Developers at 2012-11-21T09:00:36+00:00
APK Suite for Linux Offers GUI-Based APK Editing http://b1t.it/csDVRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
tony baldwin at 2012-11-19T14:05:27+00:00
Rafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Eduardo Estevez Nuñez at 2012-09-20T13:35:44+00:00
Distros Linux preparadas para la seguridad informática http://bit.ly/S71RLJ #Linux #Distros #SeguridadRafael Pérez Pastor, Diego Cordoba likes this.
antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo, zinayfuzz, zinayfuzz and 4 others shared this.
The Linux Foundation at 2012-09-14T19:16:01+00:00
Friday Funnies comic strip: True tale of a sysadmin's first day at work. http://bit.ly/P9ThQz #LinuxRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Ubuntu España at 2012-09-11T16:12:07+00:00
Concepto muy interesante de Ubuntu for Android, un móvil como CPU para ordenador, tableta, móvil... http://goo.gl/mZxWn !ubuntu #locoteamsRafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Luis Ángel Fernández Fernández, Luis Ángel Fernández Fernández shared this.
iloveubuntu.net at 2012-09-05T18:45:44+00:00
Use Dropbox for big-sized attachments in Thunderbird via the add-on Dropbox for Filelink !ubuntu http://ur1.ca/a4cu7Rafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Tobias, Tobias, antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo and 2 others shared this.
Cyber Killer at 2012-08-17T14:58:07+00:00
It angers me heavily when a company advertises it supports !Linux , I go to downloads to find packages only for #ubuntu ¬hing else!!! :-/Rafael Pérez Pastor likes this.
Show all 5 repliesConversion doesn't always work since different distributions put stuff in different locations on the filesystem.Yeah, but it would much nicer if software vendors would make packages available for different distributions. At least the popular ones.@cyberkiller oh you mean ubuntu isn't linux? Or you want them to supply the source?Pablo Bachi Varisco at 2012-06-26T23:47:42+00:00
Conocer todas las MAC address en una red con !Linux y nmap http://goo.gl/SGLkQRafael Pérez Pastor, zinayfuzz likes this.