Björn Schießle schiessle@identi.ca
Germany, near Stuttgart
computer scientist; free software developer; software engineer @ownCloud; free software and open standards activist @FSFE - www.schiessle.org
Bernhard E. Reiter at 2014-08-05T15:22:09Z
"Die Hoheit über vertrauliche Daten und Betriebsgeheimnisse liegt im Zweifelsfall bei einem Gericht in den USA - das sollte jede Gemeindeverwaltung und jeder Mittelständler wissen, wenn ein Treffen mit den Vertriebsleuten von Microsoft, Google, Apple, Oracle, Cisco, IBM und Co. ansteht." via Heise
Björn Schießle likes this.
ownCloud 7
Blaise Alleyne at 2014-07-23T16:06:21Z
I just upgraded to ownCloud 7 with a dead simple
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
This is just in time for a trial roll-out at the office. Most notably, I'm super happy at how the new Files sidebar clearly delineates between your files, shared with you, shared by others, shared by links, and external storage. One of my biggest hangouts with ownCloud 6 was that my users would just created their own files and share them instead of having them properly set up via external storage, but this simple interface change will make the difference far more obvious.
Looking forward to seeing what else is new...
Scott Sweeny, Björn Schießle, Evan Prodromou likes this.
And thanks @Björn Schießle for the earlier tip re: ownCloud 7 and external storage!
That probably made the difference between us being nearly ready to deploy ownCloud now versus abandoning it for other solutions!
mray INACTIVE at 2014-05-15T21:56:17Z
100% with you. This is exactly what I currently do, exactly why I'm doing it, and IceWeasel and Debian exactly are what I'll be using soon, too. shame on mozilla.
Blaise Alleyne, Björn Schießle likes this.
Blaise Alleyne at 2014-05-15T21:06:50Z
One of the (silly) reasons I've continued to run GNOME 3 under Ubuntu instead of switching to Debian is a hesitance to move from Firefox to IceWeasel.
With this EME/DRM stuff, for the first time, I no longer feel that hesitance. A trademark dispute is one thing... but DRM is another.
saul goode, Scorpio20, Christopher Allan Webber, laurelrusswurm and 5 others likes this.
mray INACTIVE shared this.
100% with you. This is exactly what I currently do, exactly why I'm doing it, and IceWeasel and Debian exactly are what I'll be using soon, too. shame on mozilla.
mray INACTIVE at 2014-05-15T21:56:17Z
Blaise Alleyne, Björn Schießle likes this.
Not so long ago Wikipedia considered supporting proprietary video formats, but when the community freaked out they listened.
But then the w3c and now Firefox? What is it with these people?
If *I* can understand why they shouldn't incorporate proprietary software, why don't they?laurelrusswurm at 2014-05-16T02:49:18Z
Alberto Moshpirit, sazius, Douglas Perkins, a(n) person and 4 others likes this.
FSFE fellowship renewed!
I just renewed my FSFE fellowship and I encourage you to consider to do the same. :) #fsfe #freesoftwareBjörn Schießle, Bernhard E. Reiter, Bernhard E. Reiter, RiveraValdez and 3 others likes this.
Bernhard E. Reiter, RiveraValdez, Guido Arnold, Michael (majeSTYX) shared this.
Debian Project at 2013-12-30T10:07:30Z
the Green Group in the European Parliament is using Debian to secure their email against pervasive surveillanceTimo Kankare, Stefan Klute, yahya69, a(n) person and 10 others likes this.
yahya69, Marco, EVAnaRkISTO, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 2 others shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli at 2013-12-21T23:07:39Z
Ran my personal maximum length *ever* just before xmas holiday. Will see how much it worsen after 2 weeks of festive meals back home…Björn Schießle likes this.
Tomás Solar Castro at 2010-09-15T23:39:24+00:00
Björn Schießle likes this.
Luis A. Guzman, Luis A. Guzman shared this.
@tsolar I see you have Emacs as your Identica client. How does that work?Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2010-09-15T23:43:26+00:00
@tsolar spolier alert!!!!! xDMarcelo Santana at 2010-08-09T12:17:10+00:00
Vídeos das apresentações da #debconf10 já disponíveis para download em http://miud.in/93J !Debian !gnu !linux !softwarelivreBjörn Schießle likes this.
Jeremy Allison at 2010-01-24T01:02:27+00:00
Why software patents are actively harming video on the Web. Great post from Mozilla developer: http://bit.ly/8FPUnaMatthew Davidson, Osama Khalid, Björn Schießle likes this.
Joseph Arruda, John Drinkwater shared this.
#Ubuntu could learn a thing or two from #Mozilla about being popular _and_ #FaiF. http://bit.ly/8FPUna (via @jra)Frederik Gladhorn at 2010-01-05T02:05:55+00:00
♻ @nightrose: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling - I agree, please do care about language spelling and other nonsense.Björn Schießle likes this.
Lydia Pintscher at 2009-02-12T23:01:08+00:00
invited to give a talk about free software at the next Gruene Jugend Kongress - this is going to be interestingBjörn Schießle likes this.