Alexandre Oliva at 2013-07-17T22:52:53Z
!GNU !Linuxlibre 3.10.1-gnu, 3.9.10-gnu, 3.4.53-gnu1, and 3.0.86-gnu1 source tarballs and patches are now available. mipsel .debs for !gnewsense !yeeloong are also available, but still not listed in the repo meta-data, pending smoke test. will do soon, as I'm back home after another trip on the road.wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej shared this.
André Silva at 2013-07-18T01:29:37Z
!Linuxlibre 3.10.1-1 for i686 and x86_64 is now available for !Parabola.Carlos Augusto ARES, wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej shared this.
Vladimir at 2013-07-18T04:37:05Z
Freedora 19
Running freedora 19 (fedora with kernel libre), it works well, better than freedora 18, highly recomended to make the change from fedora to freedora. More information at
Give it a try.wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej shared this.
Luis Falcon at 2013-07-08T03:52:07+00:00
Ladies & gentlemen, !GnuHealth 2.0 is out! A big thank you to all !FreeSoftware & #PublicHealth activists! health.gnu.org !FSF !GNU #trytonChristian - Identica, wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, Marcio B. Jr., X11R5 and 2 others likes this.
Christian - Identica, Jose R Rodriguez, Marcio B. Jr., Erkan Yılmaz and 5 others shared this.
Estuve viendo la página de gnuhealth. Felicitaciones! Este software debería utilizarse en todos los hospitales públicos de Argentina.wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej at 2013-07-09T10:09:07+00:00
Luis Falcon likes this.
Proyecto UTUTO at 2013-03-15T01:46:35+00:00
“Mantenimiento finalizado con éxito! | Proyecto UTUTO”: http://ur1.ca/d2eumwo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, RiveraValdez likes this.
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej shared this.
Javier Pincemin at 2013-06-24T09:50:27+00:00
#Evangelio Zacarías pidió una tablilla y escribió: «Su nombre es Juan», por lo que todos se quedaron extrañados. En ese mismo instante se...wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
Jason Self at 2013-06-20T18:09:10+00:00
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Mike Linksvayer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Charles Stanhope, Vasco Dias, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Arne Babenhauserheide and 3 others shared this.
Happy explained relative to VP9 right up top: VP9 next-gen; daala next-next-gen http://ur1.ca/edvh5Mike Linksvayer at 2013-06-20T19:27:09+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Benjamin Mako Hill at 2013-06-20T15:09:06+00:00
Posted all my academic job market materials (w/ TeX source). http://mako.cc/go/i I hope folks find it useful!Finn Årup Nielsen, wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Craig Maloney and 2 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, وليد سعود, Laura Arjona Reina, Greg Grossmeier shared this.
Matias Fonzo at 2013-06-14T23:58:01+00:00
!Dragora GNU/Linux renamed to "Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre", http://ur1.ca/ebpggLucas Sköldqvist, herco, wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
Vamos! Matias viejo y peludo!!!wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej at 2013-06-17T15:02:22+00:00
James Robertson at 2013-06-10T17:04:36+00:00
I'm at mother's house and she just made me something to eat. #winningwo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej shared this.
Fabian Couto at 2013-06-10T13:43:16+00:00
fabiancouto: La lámpara del cuerpo es el ojo; así que, si tu ojo es bueno, todo tu cuerpo estará lleno de luz; Mat 6:22wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
Carlos Solís at 2013-04-20T19:33:28+00:00
@trinux @kompatux3s @pablonen En serio, les recomiendo seriamente mudarse de !Trisquel a !Parabola en ese caso.wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
Dj_Dexter at 2013-04-08T17:28:00+00:00
MSN (WLM) is dead, please don't use Skype aka SpySkype, uses xmpp (jabber), irc, identi.ca or another, diaspora, etc :)wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
Jason Self at 2013-04-04T01:38:47+00:00
Introducing long-term support versions of !GNU !Linuxlibre (the freedom-respecting version of !linux) - http://ur1.ca/d9bya - Enjoy!wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, Arne Babenhauserheide likes this.
bhuvanesh, bhuvanesh, Danial Behzadi, Danial Behzadi and 6 others shared this.
♻ @jxself: Introducing long-term support versions of #GNU #Linuxlibre (the freedom-respecting version of #linux) - ur1.ca/d9bya - Enjoy!ducuchu at 2013-03-30T23:11:21+00:00
Ésta es la Luz de CRISTO! YO la haré BRILLAR! Brillará, Brillará, sin cesar. Brillará, brillará, sin cesar!!.wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
Quiliro Ordóñez at 2013-03-29T17:04:46+00:00
Calling the operating system !GNU instead of #linux will show others that you appreciate freedom more than anything else.Ed G., wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Luna del Siglo, Luna del Siglo shared this.
Dennis Zeit at 2013-03-24T17:00:39+00:00
Now LIVE "The !Trisquel project, pushing together to the next level" http://ur1.ca/d5gbo @ !LibrePlanet Conference !GNU !Linuxwo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej shared this.
Isaac Filho at 2013-02-04T19:27:34+00:00
Muito interessante esse analisador de sites do #cgi - http://asa.nic.br/asa/wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
AnonNewsBE at 2013-01-12T20:45:51+00:00
Ulster: 16 policiers blessés lors de heurts entre protestants et catholiques http://identi.ca/url/74848743wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej likes this.
ducuchu at 2012-11-24T16:31:05+00:00
Mi parroco esta delicado d salud.. y yo super triste. . Pero mi papa me levanto el animo :')wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej, Tormenta Cósmica Azul, a(n) person likes this.
Hay que rezar mucho por él (y por vos, para que no estés triste).wo1[]??PP_)2131pjqovzc3\]\[]4c,zx2-xawej at 2012-11-24T20:10:45+00:00