Brian Dunnette bdunnette@identi.ca
Minneapolis, United States
Multi-purpose geek; partially to blame (?) for @freegeektc
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2012-12-19T21:18:28+00:00
EFF's patent reform project gets half-million-dollar boost from @mcuban and @notch: https://eff.org/r.b7DQBrian Dunnette likes this.
Vincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2012-12-19T20:10:49+00:00
Ding-dong, #ACTA is really dead in Europe! The European Commission has withdrawn its referral to the European Court of Justice.Brian Dunnette, Ricardo Chung likes this.
lothlaurien, lothlaurien shared this.
Creative Commons at 2012-12-19T23:05:03+00:00
CC weighs in on the debate over Instagram's privacy policy. http://bit.ly/VQGZuhBrian Dunnette likes this.
The Cybernetic Critic at 2012-09-28T19:20:06+00:00
I think that http://ur1.ca/afn59 is uninteresting.Brian Dunnette likes this.
Michał Andrzej Woźniak at 2012-09-23T14:54:06+00:00
Why do people "petition" twitter to revert fucked up API policy instead of moving to !StatusNet - is beyond me. bit.ly/OjZ6MjA. Mitchell, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Lucas Gonze, Brian Dunnette and 6 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Kate Sherrod, Kate Sherrod and 4 others shared this.
Show all 16 replies@rysiek Someone should make a free, ad-driven server, and add #XMPP via #Jappix, webmail via #Roundcube, and the rest via #Friendica.For all that I love StatusNet, Twitter is more enjoyable (as a platform - not the community), less buggy, in my experience.Erik Hare at 2012-07-02T15:25:02+00:00
The solution to the financial crisis? The ancient one is good - Jubilee http://ur1.ca/9pmfwBrian Dunnette likes this.
Michael Mehrazar at 2012-04-18T13:55:22+00:00
After years of using !Ubuntu, I've finally migrated to !Debian. Feels good to support the community developed OS.IT Tech Solution, Stephan Beyer, Michael Mehrazar, Brian Dunnette likes this.
Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, I.Enys Untra, I.Enys Untra and 4 others shared this.
Welcome to #Debian (^_^)Børge A. Roum at 2012-04-11T17:03:13+00:00
Nifty Poster Explains !Ubuntu Unity to First Time Users http://is.gd/HbdrK4Brian Dunnette likes this.
Erik Hare at 2012-04-09T20:15:04+00:00
Where'd the jobs go? http://ur1.ca/8yrhs Maybe they didn't go anywhere ...Brian Dunnette likes this.
Cédric Krier at 2012-03-15T14:46:59+00:00
Small example of howto script !tryton http://goo.gl/WM7jS "Send a timesheet report email"Brian Dunnette likes this.
Erik Hare at 2012-03-12T17:05:34+00:00
Punk Economics - take control of our democracy http://ur1.ca/8mi7q An Irish perspective, but still valid in the US in many ways.Brian Dunnette likes this.
- So Google... I'm somehow violating your TOS when I search with Tor enabled? Track this: Fuck you.
lostson, Clay Hobbs, Sander, a(n) person and 13 others likes this.
The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta and 23 others shared this.
check out https://ixquick.com/Try this, too: http://ur1.ca/77t Scroogle. Dr. Matt Lee at 2012-01-06T18:07:29+00:00
Thanks to all the kind souls and anonymous internet benefactors who gave us money to move !Librefm -- especially to @cure for his diligenceBrian Dunnette likes this.
Cédric Krier at 2011-12-16T18:04:30+00:00
In the new wizard design of !tryton, buttons will have dynamic states.Brian Dunnette likes this.
Creative Commons at 2011-12-16T20:44:40+00:00
Happy 9th Birthday to the Creative Commons license suite! http://ur1.ca/6rbk5Brian Dunnette likes this.
Dominic Hopf, Dominic Hopf shared this.
Matija Šuklje at 2011-12-19T01:17:09+00:00
Brian Dunnette likes this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2011-12-14T18:51:22+00:00
How #SOPA would affect students, educators, and libraries — and what you can do about it. https://eff.org/r.K9uBrian Dunnette likes this.
Brian Dunnette, Brian Dunnette, Patrik Willard, Patrik Willard and 2 others shared this.
Cédric Krier at 2011-10-13T13:53:29+00:00
>10000 commits to !tryton \o/ http://goo.gl/VhPXYBrian Dunnette likes this.
Cédric Krier at 2011-10-15T15:36:45+00:00
Brian Dunnette likes this.