leonardo brainvision@identi.ca
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
hobbies: movies, literature, poetry, music, Slackware, Xfce and Linux.
Michele Azzolari at 2011-01-09T18:47:00+00:00
Cooking spaghetti aglio, olio e peperonicino.leonardo likes this.
James Robertson at 2010-12-30T11:10:11+00:00
leonardo likes this.
Command Line Magic at 2010-11-30T09:01:34+00:00
Chuck Norris doesn't need to be root, he just stares at the permission bits until they do what he wants.leonardo likes this.
Alexandre Oliva at 2010-11-27T19:50:47+00:00
♻ @coltem: kernel libre is a necessity for all free peopleleonardo likes this.
Xfce Desktop Environment at 2010-11-07T16:16:00+00:00
Xfce 4.8pre1 released: http://releases.xfce.org/feeds/collection/xfce !Xfceleonardo likes this.
naw at 2010-11-06T11:29:29+00:00
!listening to pornophonique http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/pornophoniqueleonardo likes this.
linuxaria at 2010-10-31T11:02:53+00:00
using alias in !zsh !linux !shell http://www.linuxaria.com/pills/alias-in-zsh?lang=enleonardo likes this.
Command Line Magic at 2010-10-28T09:07:54+00:00
find . -ls | sort -n -k 7 # Sort files in a directory tree by their size. Useful when you want to see largest files in subdirs.leonardo likes this.
Michele Azzolari at 2010-10-13T07:35:48+00:00
Letta su fb: "Adro, rimossi i soli delle alpi. Per le nebbie dei cervelli occorrerà più tempo." !italialeonardo likes this.
Command Line Magic at 2010-10-04T18:24:49+00:00
grep -v ^# play.m3u|strings|while read -r file ;do n=$(( n+=1 ));p=$( printf "%02d" $n );mv "$file" "${p}_$file";done # Prefix mp3s with numleonardo likes this.
Command Line Magic at 2010-10-04T15:24:43+00:00
tar tvf patch.tar | grep -v '/$' # Display tar file contents, exclude the lines ending with / (directory entries)leonardo likes this.
Ravel Lopez at 2010-10-03T17:36:06+00:00
!listening to "Little Wing" by Jimi Hendrixleonardo likes this.
Michał Andrzej Woźniak at 2010-10-01T18:08:13+00:00
"I love the sound of facepalm in the morning. Sounds like failure." - /me !qRonsen, Fuck it, Marcin W. Dąbrowski, leonardo likes this.
@rysiek we love the Apocalypse :DCommand Line Magic at 2010-04-16T16:58:59+00:00
date -d 'now + 1946 days' # The -d option to date lets you specify a date to display, you can use it to calculate a date using "delta days"leonardo likes this.
vando at 2010-03-25T17:54:41+00:00
When anybody says "free downloads are damaging the creative people" show him it: http://ur1.ca/rqqj !p !tpb !cc !copyleftChris Watkins, Ubiquit, leonardo, Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér likes this.
Renata Avila, Renata Avila, Matteo Pompoli, Matteo Pompoli and 6 others shared this.
@vando But this argument misses the point that it is not about authors, but readers. I'd rather stick to the free culture argument.lupyxe at 2010-03-21T23:10:47+00:00
leonardo, Jesús E. Franco Martínez likes this.
Freemor at 2010-03-07T18:03:15+00:00
Whoo!! I'm Google free!! Just deleted my Google account.A. Mitchell, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Osama Khalid, leonardo likes this.
michael silverton, michael silverton, Jonas Jared Jacek, Jonas Jared Jacek shared this.