Nicolas Doualot at 2013-02-23T10:42:59+00:00
found out which is like, but support !ipv6 and which can also be #selfhostedmwgamera likes this.
@slubman great find. Thanks for sharing.Michał Andrzej Woźniak at 2012-06-07T22:15:33+00:00
Oh !Jamendo, Y U no give #FLAC/#OGG download options? !cc We cannot be free if we're not free together B. Jr., mwgamera, Alessandro Matsetes Mazza, Nick T. and 6 others likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), Aleksej and 6 others shared this.
@rysiek There are Vorbis downloads, but they're very well hidden.Suggestion: Allow direct download of OGG Vorbis archives at 2012-04-12T20:22:05+00:00
If Bill Gates had a time machine, he would first go back to the late 70s and donate a less annoying printer to the MIT AI lab. !gnuAlexandro P., mwgamera, Cyber Killer, Carlos Solís and 2 others likes this.
Arndt Heuvel, Arndt Heuvel, Alberto Maturano, Alberto Maturano and 8 others shared this.
Show all 5 replies@yareckon nice xDnull at 2010-08-10T20:57:32+00:00
"Windows is easier than Linux, in the same way that crapping your pants is easier than going to the bathroom" !neckbeardGerard Ryan, Dvd Mrsdn, Pejman Moghadam, Idle Revolutionary and 14 others likes this.
sofias. pink, sofias. pink, Pejman Moghadam, Pejman Moghadam and 18 others shared this.
Capital of Nasty at 2010-04-24T16:08:06+00:00
Capital of Nasty, anagarjuna, Bruce Cowan, Bradley M. Kuhn and 3 others likes this.
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2010-01-07T14:53:53+00:00
forest mars, Bruce Cowan, Evan Prodromou, The Anarcat and 6 others likes this.
joab jackson shared this.