Creative Commons at 2010-05-24T22:02:04+00:00
Ronen Kadushin, a designer who publishes BY-NC-SA schematics, releases clever new design for an "iPhone Killer": http://bit.ly/QO12mRicardo (Rmx) likes this.
Paulo Santarém at 2009-09-08T23:27:50+00:00
Rodrigo Canalli: O direito entre os futuros da internet http://wp.me/p8rof-sGRicardo (Rmx) likes this.
Creative Commons at 2009-06-28T05:47:39+00:00
Copyfraud and CC ignorance http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/15526Ricardo (Rmx) likes this.
fabianne balvedi at 2009-06-09T02:45:23+00:00
O divertido desespero da #midia diante do novo blog da #petrobras: http://www.trezentos.blog.br/?p=1716&owa_from=feed&owa_sid=Ricardo (Rmx) likes this.
Maj at 2009-03-23T02:32:40+00:00
off to bed... wanna wager who wakes me up first? a)baby, b)toddler, c)husband, d)cat, e)plant, f)natural disasterRicardo (Rmx) likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2009-03-03T23:36:37+00:00
not sure why anyone lives anywhere except southern californiaEvan Prodromou, Ricardo (Rmx), Brooke Vibber likes this.
Sarven Capadisli at 2009-02-16T21:23:00+00:00
#Facebook, #twitter et al. can eat my shorts. #dataportability #open #license #fail #distributed #Web #serviceLois Chan-Pedley, Ted Smith, Ricardo (Rmx), Andy Kaplan-Myrth and 7 others likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2009-02-15T02:32:25+00:00
Still not sure about buying replica watches. Could everyone in the entire world send me 5-10 emails on the subject everyday forever, please?Ricardo (Rmx) likes this.
@evan Don't accept anything less than an exquisite replica.Matthew Davidson at 2009-02-15T02:54:10+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.