Tomás Solar Castro tsolar@identi.ca
Santiago, Chile
MESHUGGAH is my life. I breathe Deathcore. Software freedom activist. FSFLA Board Member. Emacs user. Bikepolo player.
W. Greenhouse at 2013-03-14T19:57:36+00:00
Tomás Solar Castro likes this.
Tomás Solar Castro at 2013-03-04T13:32:10+00:00
@zack hope the next DPL loves FS as much as you doTomás Solar Castro, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber, Stefano Zacchiroli, Stefano Zacchiroli shared this.
Jackson Cooper at 2013-03-01T15:57:38+00:00
Scheduling morning emails with Python and Celery http://bit.ly/Y3YWqs !pythonTomás Solar Castro likes this.
Gabriel Saldana at 2013-02-04T18:39:38+00:00
Identica-mode 1.3 release http://blog.gabrielsaldana.org/identica-mode-1-3-release/ !identicamodeJames Bryce Clark, Tomás Solar Castro, vahid fardi likes this.
ghostdancer, ghostdancer, Tomás Solar Castro, Tomás Solar Castro and 2 others shared this.
Show all 6 replies@gabrielsaldana missing a tag in the git repo, BTW@gabrielsaldana I used to set only username, so it would prompt for a password at startup; now it asks for both every few seconds@gabrielsaldana it also guesses the wrong login (aoliva, my unix login, rather than lxoliva, my identica username)@gabrielsaldana and it does so until I run identica-change-user and fix it for good (until I restart emacs, that is ;-)Gabriel Saldana at 2012-12-17T17:41:16+00:00
10 #PHP code quality tools to avoid a mess in your projects http://ur1.ca/c432iTomás Solar Castro likes this.
Tomás Solar Castro, Tomás Solar Castro shared this.
Magnus at 2012-10-01T17:37:50+00:00
I should have done this a long time ago: (setq bbdb-always-add-addresses 'bbdb-ignore-some-messages-hook) #gnusTomás Solar Castro likes this.
johan at 2012-07-19T07:08:31+00:00
Códigos .htaccess que deberías tener siempre a mano (I) http://ur1.ca/9svgwTomás Solar Castro likes this.
Tomás Solar Castro, Tomás Solar Castro shared this.
Debian Project at 2012-04-25T21:43:08+00:00
Deploy your own "cloud" with !Debian "Wheezy" - http://ur1.ca/93k5qRstnd, Jorge Ernesto Guevara Cuenca, Popa Adrian Marius, Taha and 4 others likes this.
olf, olf, fear_no_art, fear_no_art and 14 others shared this.
I'm happy to hear Debian will be making installing OpenStack® easy! Good and easy packaging is important. #openstack®Christopher Allan Webber at 2012-04-25T21:53:00+00:00
Evan Prodromou, Will Kahn-Greene likes this.
Ploum at 2012-03-26T10:35:05+00:00
Reflexions on improving the !GNOME image and preparing the future with GnomeOS: http://ur1.ca/8t5saTomás Solar Castro likes this.
A Simple Blog with CouchDB, Bogart, and Node.js - How To Node - NodeJS
Jesús E. Franco Martínez at 2012-03-20T13:09:09+00:00
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas, Tomás Solar Castro likes this.
Aurélien at 2012-03-19T15:32:34+00:00
!Linux-Libre 3.3.0 .deb is now available at !FSFLA and FSCorsica.org + Compilation Recipe update at !Libreplanet ! !GNU !FSF !FSC #KernelTomás Solar Castro likes this.
William Cabrera, William Cabrera, dadava, dadava and 4 others shared this.
♻ @gnutek: !linuxlibre 3.3.0 .deb is now available at #FSFLA and FSCorsica.org + Compilation Recipe update at #Libreplanet !ezeq at 2012-01-03T01:09:21+00:00
A mi me ayudó esta guia http://ur1.ca/76ok0 #PostfixTomás Solar Castro likes this.
@tioeze hoooo! gracias! , le echare un ojo :)Francesco Chicchiriccò at 2011-12-01T13:48:37+00:00
The ultimate collection of !Emacs resources http://t.co/aB9lhuSLBryan Bishop, Tomás Solar Castro likes this.
Luis Eduardo Vivero at 2011-02-28T17:23:58+00:00
Twitter abajo, Identi.ca arriba :)Tomás Solar Castro likes this.
Hector Mansilla Arias at 2009-09-23T18:37:54+00:00
@tsolar Autoservicio de Banco - FAIL! http://ur1.ca/c8d5Tomás Solar Castro likes this.