Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-11-30T18:03:19Z
Fucking spammers.
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Jason Self, Evan Prodromou, Stephen Michael Kellat and 1 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
sazius at 2014-11-26T18:28:51Z
Doctoral thesis successfully defended, also survived the doctoral dinner/party, the after party and the after-after party. Sleep needed :-)
jasonriedy@fmrl.me, mray INACTIVE, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), João Patrício and 19 others likes this.
Matt Molyneaux, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
JanKusanagi at 2014-11-18T23:09:47Z
It's still a centralized silo, where everyone is in the hands of just one company.
No deal. Jabber/XMPP FTW! =)
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Bd Sn, olm-e and 2 others likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
miedo + ignorancia = odio
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), mnd, jrobb, Forna and 4 others likes this.
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins, sazius and 1 others shared this.
No, I am not interested in joining your proprietary social network
Alberto Moshpirit at 2014-09-28T11:57:15Z
I don’t care whether it’s ello or sgrouples or FriendFace or app.net or whatever, I am not joining another walled-in social network owned by a single organization. I already have enough of those.
I don’t care if it has a strong privacy policy, I don’t care if it has good security, I don’t care if it has no advertising, I don’t care if it will let you remain pseudonymous, I don’t care if the people who own it are really cool. All of those things are worthless if the site is controlled by a single organization, because they can all be changed on a whim.
Remember, Facebook used to be ad-free, somewhat closed, had no data mining, and didn’t force you to sign up with your real name. Then they decided they had to make money, and their only resource was a captive user base.
Twitter used to be ad-free with no data mining, and it used to be open so anyone could write clients for it. Then they decided they had to make money, and that meant making sure clients showed ads properly, and that meant locking out your favorite Twitter client and showing you posts that nobody had retweeted.
Go back even further into the past, and LiveJournal used to be run by a small team of people who were directly engaged with their user base. Then they sold out to a company who didn’t care, who sold out to a Russian company who were in it for the money.
Make no mistake, this cycle will repeat itself with ello and all the other closed-off single-provider social networks. Servers cost significant time and money to run — I know because I run some. Unless you have an eccentric millionaire or a trust fund to pay for the hosting, as the site grows, sooner or later someone’s going to decide that it needs to pay for itself. In fact, even if you have funding from an eccentric millionaire, you’re still reliant on their whims to keep the privacy and advertising policies you like.
Read more: http://meta.ath0.com/2014/09/25/interested-joining-proprietary-social-network/
MATTEO BECHINI, sazius, Blah blih bloh, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков) and 22 others likes this.
Andrew Manning, Andrew Manning, MATTEO BECHINI, Björn Schießle and 13 others shared this.
@Avadiax shared a very interesting point of view: Ello is paid by venture capital funds which means nothing is free (libre and gratis) because you are the product.
EVAnaRkISTO at 2014-09-28T14:55:43Z
Luis likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2014-08-18T22:19:48Z
Richard Stallman's TEDx video is our new favorite tool for introducing newcomers to free software. Share it! https://u.fsf.org/124Alexandre Oliva, Cédric Heintz, Digital Roffey, Anton Katsarov and 26 others likes this.
Paco Vila, Anton Katsarov, johan, Colegota and 34 others shared this.
Show all 16 repliesCould FSF not host the video on a MediaGoblin instance? A bit ironic to point people at YouTube when the video warns against SaaSS.
Kevin Everets at 2014-08-20T12:53:51Z
n2t likes this.
>> Kevin Everets:
“Could FSF not host the video on a MediaGoblin instance?”
The video is hosted in the page linked in the note.More precisely, at http://audio-video.gnu.org/video/TEDxGE2014_Stallman05_HQ.ogg.
You don't need to go to Youtube or anywhere else.
JanKusanagi at 2014-08-20T19:47:10Z
jrobb likes this.
downloaded, watched, loved it! great work! I'm now seeding the torrent (thanks Luis Guzmán) and wondering if there are ongoing efforts to subtitle and translate it already. heck, even the slides could be translated, for us to deliver this AWESOME speech to non-English speakers worldwideAlexandre Oliva at 2014-08-20T22:13:09Z
Yutaka Niibe likes this.
sazius at 2014-08-16T20:43:52Z
This is an oft-occuring scenario for me:
- see a link to a photo on instagram
- "OK, let's click this, maybe I'll learn what's fuss about instagram at the same time"
- click link
- see an entirely white blank web page
- "oh, I have to enable scripting to see anything"
- get angry at today's web design
- close page
Digital Roffey, olm-e, Christopher Allan Webber, jrobb and 7 others likes this.
SombreKnave, SombreKnave, SombreKnave shared this.
same here, my wife and kids are on it, and I have yet to see anything they have posted, ha!lostson at 2014-08-16T21:43:55Z
X11R5 likes this.
sazius at 2014-08-16T07:05:30Z
Good morning & tzag pumpiverse, and happy birthday, Debian!
Stephen Michael Kellat, Stephen Sekula, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), jrobertson likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Stephen Sekula shared this.
Roll Your Own YouTube/Flickr With MediaGoblin (LinuxJournal)
Check out Roll Your Own YouTube/Flickr with MediaGoblin in LinuxJournal. Awesome!
Luis, Forna, Sotitrox, debexpert and 20 others likes this.
Forna, Forna, Krugor, Cédric Heintz and 13 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesJoin us now and free the software...jasonriedy@fmrl.me at 2014-08-16T02:22:31Z
Susan Pinochet, B. Ross Ashley, Evan Prodromou likes this.
I'd like to do this, if it were a bit simpler ... seriously, I'm a Xubuntu user, not all that sophisticated w/ this stuff.
B. Ross Ashley at 2014-08-16T03:53:38Z
Kevin Everets likes this.
Anton Katsarov at 2014-08-15T09:16:41Z
Yo know when iw my birthday ;-)
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков) likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2014-07-21T15:31:10Z
I'm happy to say that I'll be co-chairing the upcoming Social Web Working Group at the W3C. Per the announcement, we'll be defining three standards.- A serialization for social data. This will likely be Activity Streams 2.0 or some future version.
- A client-to-server API. This will be likely be based on the Open Social Embedded Experiences API - a simple, RESTful Activity-Streams-based API.
- A server-to-server protocol for sharing data between social networks.
I'll be working hard to keep pump.io up with this WG without running too far ahead nor disrupting the work of third-party devs. I'm still trying to work out how to make it work -- my guess is that we'll support both the current API and the WG suite in parallel for a while, then deprecate the current API as uptake goes on.
I'm very excited about this Working Group and I hope people who are concerned about free and open social networks will help make it a success.Jakukyo Friel, Andrea Scarpino, João Patrício, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков) and 41 others likes this.
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Stefano Zacchiroli, Stephen Sekula, mray INACTIVE and 8 others shared this.
Show all 15 replies>> jasonriedy@fmrl.me:
“Fingers crossed... BTW, is a streaming API in the ideas? REST turns into over-polling.”
Pump.io already supports websockets, so you don't have to poll. Or what do you mean?@JanKusanagi Set up filters on a server and have stanzas delivered that match. Higher level concern than websockets, the pipe by which they're delivered.sazius at 2014-07-02T15:16:38Z
OK, everybody stand back! Installing a new 2TB drive in my desktop computer and installing a fresh Debian "wheezy" on it! :-)
whistlewright, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Scott Sweeny, Stephen Sekula likes this.
Show all 9 repliesUm, @Freemor , I don't trust 2TB drives *in* RAID arrays. A rebuild takes too long. If the drives are from the same batch (often are, which is stupid), they may well fail during the rebuild. Really does happen... Maybe it'd work out with the "levels" that look like distributed file systems, but...jasonriedy@fmrl.me at 2014-07-02T17:35:14Z
X11R5 likes this.
Same here. My NAS was built with 1TB drives even though 2TB were available and affordable. My next bigger array will probably be made with the smaller arrays arrayed into one larger array.
There will definitely be a learning curve involved but from what I've read so far much safer data wise.Freemor at 2014-07-02T17:42:38Z
jasonriedy@fmrl.me likes this.
I would love to experiment with some small systems coupled with 2-3 drives, dual GigE, and ceph for an expandable home storage system. Neither time nor funding for that right now. Plus the stupid fast-enough switch issue. But I suppose the network bottleneck only exacerbates the rebuild time issue.OK, system is back up and running smoothly. I opted for the lazy route this time and just rsync'd my $HOME back to the new drive :-)
sazius at 2014-07-02T19:07:13Z
Stephen Sekula likes this.
mray INACTIVE at 2014-05-27T10:36:38Z
XMPP, mail, contacts, calendar, music-streaming, pump.io, mediagoblin, probably some more I just forgot and since recently: a jitsi videobridge.
Preferably on completely free hardware that runns FreedomBox.
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), jrobb likes this.
sazius at 2014-05-22T16:20:39Z
My new Sansa Clip player is here (the old one broke). Commence Rockbox installation!Andrew E, X11R5, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 2 others likes this.
Show all 5 repliesyou know you're an #ASOIAF nerd when you read "Sansa Clip" and think it's related to Ned Stark's eldest daughter.
@Francesca Ciceri That occurred to me as well, although I've only seen it on TV :-)
Phew, I thought I managed to brick it for a while. I just reformatted the drive and tried again, now it works :-)
sazius at 2014-05-22T16:52:04Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-04-28T19:47:51Z
Whew! And now I can finally get on to more exciting, non-fundraising things!
X11R5, j1mc, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков) likes this.
Financial transparency: where your money goes with MediaGoblin
Financial transparency with MediaGoblin: where does your money go? Gives a complete breakdown of how we spent the money from last year's campaign. You deserve to know how your money is spent!
We hope you agree after reading the whole thing that we work super hard to make maximum use of the money you donate, and that you can't get a better deal dollar for dollar on supporting network freedom!
So anyway, if that resonates with you, we might add that there's only a couple of days left to support this campaign! Please support MediaGoblin!Filipe Saraiva, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), netgeek, David Thompson and 10 others likes this.
Filipe Saraiva, Alexandre Oliva, Greg Grossmeier, Blaise Alleyne and 5 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesThat is really neat that you post this, and very much appreciated, thanks.
lostson at 2014-04-16T16:21:27Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
@lostson Thanks! I'm glad people are finding it to be valuable :)
sazius at 2014-04-14T16:55:58Z
Now you're making me want to donate a third time :-)
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-03-27T20:07:39Z
Turkey bans YouTube, Twitter after leaks
Yep, still feel like I'm working on the right projects.
Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), RiveraValdez, Dylan, jrobb and 6 others likes this.
johns, johns, Evan Prodromou shared this.
@cwebber@identi.ca are you secretly paying off the Turkish government from your marketing budget? :-)SombreKnave at 2014-03-27T20:19:51Z
habi@fmrl.me likes this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2014-03-21T19:14:11Z
Big jump in donations! We're now at 55% to the first goal and past 19k.. how fast can we beat 20k? http://mediagoblin.org/pages/campaign.htmlPanko, Ivaylo Valkov (Ивайло Вълков), n2t, hardandfree and 6 others likes this.
Akari-chan, Jose Carlos Jimenez, Jose Carlos Jimenez, Jose Carlos Jimenez and 10 others shared this.