herath72 herath72@identi.ca
Electrical and computer engineer, generic geek, FLOSS advocate, freedom lover.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-25T19:46:44Z
I just deployed some new code to correct errors in the stored data for local users. For various reasons local users' data was being corrupted; this should fix most of those problems.
To make sure stuff gets distributed correctly, there is also an "update" message that goes out; you may see a lot of updates for people you follow. This is by design.Michael Gratton, Emmanuel Ninos, sazius old account, Ryan Weal and 6 others likes this.
Evan Prodromou shared this.
Show all 8 repliesOMG! My long dead io.saz.im is now receiving its first minor activities in... what is it a week or two?? Woohoo!!! :-)
sazius old account at 2013-07-25T20:40:15Z
Evan Prodromou, Ryan Weal likes this.
And now the first major post arrived as well :-D
sazius old account at 2013-07-25T20:48:10Z
Patrick Haverkamp likes this.
Hi Jerome! Yes, they should be working again soon.Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-26T12:45:39Z
Jerome l'Ours Chesnot likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-11T11:44:35Z
There seems to be a problem with the password recovery on identi.ca. I'm trying to trace it down; I think it might have to do with firewalls and the remote mail server.
Thanks for being patient, folks.
Luckily, my flight is delayed, so I have some time to look into this.ZettaGeek, herath72, Greg Grossmeier, Igorette and 5 others likes this.
RC, Richard Fontana, netgeek, morgenland and 2 others shared this.
Show all 12 repliesPump.io looks great. Thanks for all the work that went into it. Is it possible to embed my public feed on my website, like it was with status.net? More generally, where's the right place to ask Pump.io questions?Steven Murdoch at 2013-07-11T20:53:50Z
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Errr. Choqok doesn't work. What can I do to make it functional again ? Or it is incompatible with the new Identi.ca ?Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-10T14:29:27+00:00
Identi.ca is going to change over tonight at about 9PM EDT http://identi.ca/url/76112113Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Fabián Bonetti, ostfriesenmärz and 14 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Monique Brunel, ostfriesenmärz, dper@identi.ca and 29 others shared this.
Show all 12 repliesyey, can't wait to see this live.Account Removed at 2013-07-10T19:06:05+00:00
dper@identi.ca, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@pvincent RT of evan@identi.ca / Identi.ca is going to change over tonight at about 9PM EDT http://ur1.ca/elckr #pump.io #shiftbjavotte at 2013-07-10T19:55:49+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@evan It will go fine: "Having been some days in preparation / A splendid time is guaranteed for all."Hilton Garcia Fernandes at 2013-07-11T01:17:31+00:00
Susan Pinochet, bjavotte, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Uwe Lauke at 2013-06-26T20:26:57+00:00
"FS-UAE Amiga Emulator" from http://fs-uae.net/herath72 likes this.
herath72 shared this.
Duck Duck Go at 2013-06-15T17:46:42+00:00
Thank you to everyone spreading DuckDuckgo! We've broken our traffic records every day this week!: http://ur1.ca/7z7guKev Macphail, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, herath72, chmod755 and 7 others likes this.
Shaun Mallette, Danial Behzadi, Moparx, Joel Adamson and 17 others shared this.
RD @duckduckgo Thank you to everyone spreading #DuckDuckgo! We've broken our traffic records every day this week!: http://ur1.ca/7z7gucongrats @duckduckgo here's a link to user graph - http://arty.li/ZpL - not sure though y ppl think of ddg as private and google "public"Evan Prodromou at 2013-06-13T02:50:14+00:00
Sorry if you've seen some DB errors. I was driving in the car with my kids to a country cottage with spotty WiFi, so: of course.Hilton Garcia Fernandes, gdk, Dvd Mrsdn, ostfriesenmärz and 2 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Dylan Thiedeke shared this.
David Thompson at 2013-06-10T17:38:46+00:00
This is a pretty cool way to get new people involved. I'm going to setup a local environment after work. :)herath72 likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2013-06-04T07:33:53+00:00
Censored in #China: ‘Today,’ ‘Tonight’ and ‘Big Yellow Duck’ - http://nyti.ms/13C8RrP fascinating (v @Journotopia @asteris)herath72 likes this.
Erkan Yılmaz at 2013-05-29T13:28:46+00:00
none of the old-guard clients http://ur1.ca/dpp38 <- see new "lightweight" clients ;-)herath72 likes this.
@erkanyilmaz thanks for the link - guess it's time to set up a pump.io account and give it all a try...The Tor Project, Inc. at 2013-04-27T14:43:52+00:00
herath72 likes this.
♺ @torproject: And we have some great progress on the first project, http://ur1.ca/djts1 #negc2013 #torCommand Line Magic at 2013-04-10T15:20:13+00:00
Had a dream about a really awesome command last night. Had find, awk, sort and sed in it (no sleep). Now I've forgotten it. Hate that.herath72 likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2013-01-28T14:32:41+00:00
because secrecy for a court is, by definition, a flaw: justice has to be public to be *justified* justiceherath72, Mike Linksvayer, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Arne Babenhauserheide likes this.
herath72, herath72, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2013-01-26T09:41:44+00:00
[RT] #EU VP On Aaron Swartz: If Our Laws Hold Back Benefits From #Openness, We Should Change Those Laws - http://bit.ly/XBjgPe great to hearherath72 likes this.
Command Line Magic at 2013-01-16T14:02:51+00:00
ssh-copy-id user@server # Quickest way to add ssh key to a remote host. Mac users may not have this command. By @missemmagoodwin #guestweekHilton Garcia Fernandes, Fábio Roberto Teodoro, herath72 likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Fábio Roberto Teodoro, Fábio Roberto Teodoro shared this.
Command Line Magic at 2013-01-16T13:37:35+00:00
ssh user@server "tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log" # watch a remote log. By @missemmagoodwinFábio Roberto Teodoro, herath72 likes this.
Fábio Roberto Teodoro, Fábio Roberto Teodoro shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2012-12-25T17:04:58+00:00
.@EFF is giving back to the free software movement, one CiviCRM patch at a time. https://eff.org/r.1bDTherath72, Ricardo Chung, Greg Grossmeier, Mike Linksvayer and 1 others likes this.
fear_no_art, fear_no_art, herath72, herath72 and 5 others shared this.
@EFF is giving back to the free software movement, one CiviCRM patch at a time. https://eff.org/r.1bDTCommand Line Magic at 2012-12-25T20:02:34+00:00
play -n synth pl E2 pl A2 pl D3 pl G3 pl B3 pl E4 delay 0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 remix - fade 0 4 .1 norm -1 # Tune that new toy guitar.Marcio B. Jr., herath72, ghostdancer, pump.io sucks likes this.
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr., herath72, herath72 and 2 others shared this.