Sander shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-07-04T15:21:23+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Yutaka Niibe, Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-07-04T15:16:43+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public # Heat wave banned fireworks in your area? Try launching some of your own shells.Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
Jason Self shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-07-01T19:18:34+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
!GNU !Linuxlibre 3.10 (the freedom-respecting version of !linux) is now available in my APT repository: Enjoy!, Emmanuel Ninos, Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
♻ @jxself: #GNU #Linuxlibre 3.10 (the freedom-respecting version of #linux) is now available in my APT repository: EnjoyAurélien shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-29T20:43:17+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
!LinuxLibre 3.9.8 .deb !GNU is now avalaible at !FSFLA & + build receipe at !LibrePlanet updated Free your #Debian #SidJustin R. Andrusk shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-25T02:18:34+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
ssh-copy-id 'user@remotehost' # Automatically installs your public key to the remote host (this is included in the openssh package)Fábio Roberto Teodoro likes this.
Fábio Roberto Teodoro, Fábio Roberto Teodoro, Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-25T01:16:55+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Reminder: The Unix world includes many forms of Un*x, shells, X and software. Just b/c something works for you doesn't make it universal.Justin R. Andrusk, kenyahhtah shared this.
Rhonda D'Vine shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-19T15:32:44+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
ghostdancer shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-15T00:22:48+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
“Bits from Debian - Remove unofficial repository from your sources” !debian !linuxJustin R. Andrusk shared this.
Debian Project shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-14T02:50:26+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Remove unofficial ! repository from your sources - Lutz,, vicantre, Jesus Alexis and 17 others shared this.
♻ RT@debian Remove unofficial ! repository from your sources - what happened to the He appears to be active. This news seems old.Command Line Magic shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-05T18:03:04+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
while ps auxw |grep -q "[f]oobar"; do sleep 15; done ; anothercommand # Start anothercommand after process(es) with foobar in it is done.Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
Vincent Lefèvre shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-04T18:09:24+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
!Debian users: do not upgrade d-conf to 0.16.0-3: R. Andrusk shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-06-03T17:28:24+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
for i in {1..10} ; do sleep $(( 1800 + $RANDOM%1800 )); cmd ; done # Run cmd 10 times at random intervals from 30-60 minutes apart.Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
2013-05-17T19:29:25+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Firefox should be the default browser for he has a great community and respect more the idea of free and open source software than chromiumMonique Brunel, Roberto Rodríguez likes this.
Yuri Cardenas, Justin R. Andrusk, Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
2013-05-17T19:29:25+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Firefox should be the default browser for he has a great community and respect more the idea of free and open source software than chromiumMonique Brunel, Roberto Rodríguez likes this.
Yuri Cardenas, Justin R. Andrusk, Justin R. Andrusk shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-05-17T15:07:49+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Unix Bands: The Whois, Ctrl-Z top, AC/DC++, Iron RAIDen, /bin/joevi, Dev Leopard, Run-BSD, The Piping Heads, YES (of course) #geekbandnamesDr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod, Karl Harris, Karl Harris and 2 others shared this.
Command Line Magic shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-05-17T15:07:49+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Unix Bands: The Whois, Ctrl-Z top, AC/DC++, Iron RAIDen, /bin/joevi, Dev Leopard, Run-BSD, The Piping Heads, YES (of course) #geekbandnamesDr. Azrael Tod, Dr. Azrael Tod, Karl Harris, Karl Harris and 2 others shared this. shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-05-16T18:18:45+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Free open-source physics engine QML-Box2D released, opens the door for interesting-games creation !ubuntu R. Andrusk, Justin R. Andrusk, herath72, herath72 shared this. shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-05-16T18:18:45+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
Free open-source physics engine QML-Box2D released, opens the door for interesting-games creation !ubuntu R. Andrusk, Justin R. Andrusk, herath72, herath72 shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-05-16T02:26:18+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
!Debian on Google Compute Engine becomes more available in ~3 hrs #Cloud Devs R. Andrusk, Justin R. Andrusk, Fausto Mauricio Lagos Suárez, Fausto Mauricio Lagos Suárez shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez shared by Justin R. Andrusk at 2013-05-16T02:26:18+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
!Debian on Google Compute Engine becomes more available in ~3 hrs #Cloud Devs R. Andrusk, Justin R. Andrusk, Fausto Mauricio Lagos Suárez, Fausto Mauricio Lagos Suárez shared this.