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Dennis Zeit at 2015-09-13T20:02:29Z
A giant slab of ice as big as California and Texas put together lurks just beneath the surface of Mars between its equator and north pole, researchers say. This ice may be the result of snowfall tens of millions of years ago on the Red Planet.
McScx likes this.
Avadiax at 2015-05-25T07:29:03Z
Michael (majeSTYX), McScx likes this.
McScx shared this.
Avadiax at 2015-04-24T13:48:41Z
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Freemor shared this.
ostfriesenmärz at 2015-03-23T08:57:20Z
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Dennis Zeit at 2015-03-23T10:54:22Z
Dr. Joseph Roche, an assistant professor at Trinity College's School of Education in Dublin, with a Ph.D. in physics and astrophysics was one of the 100 finalists for Mars One, a one-way mission to Mars according to According to his interview with Elmo Keep, it works a bit like Candy Crush - it is pay-to-win.
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McScx, testbeta, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
McScx, soulchainer, Olivier Mehani, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
Frustrated with only interacting with my ownCloud calendar through the native web interface, I finally decided to look for a replacement application that I could run locally. Khal ended up being it, with vdirsyncer for two-way CalDAV sync with ownCloud.
$ cat .khal/khal.conf
path = ~/.calendars/home/
color = dark blue
path = ~/.calendars/work/
color = dark green
$ cat .vdirsyncer/config
status_path = ~/.vdirsyncer/status/
[pair contacts]
a = contactslocal
b = contacts_remote
collections = ["from b"]
[storage contactslocal]
type = filesystem
path = ~/.contacts/
fileext = .vcf
[storage contacts_remote]
type = carddav
url =http://OWNCLOUD/remote.php/carddav/
username = USERNAME
password = PASSWORD
[pair calendar]
a = calendarlocal
b = calendar_remote
collections = ["home", "work"]
[storage calendarlocal]
type = filesystem
path = ~/.calendars/
fileext = .ics
[storage calendar_remote]
type = caldav
url =https://OWNCLOUD/remote.php/caldav/calendars/USERNAME/
username = USERNAME
password = PASSWORD
I find the parallel with Mutt/OfflineIMAP quite satisfying .
Vdirsyncer also syncs CardDAV entries, but I'm not sure what to do with them yet, as lbdb and pcquery (from <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="blank">pyCardDAV, fancy that) do the job well from within Mutt.
set query_command="lbdbq '%s'; pcquery -m '%s' | sed 1d"
McScx, Kevin Ford,, Christopher Allan Webber and 5 others likes this.
McScx, GNUstav Huarcaya, Kevin Everets, Christopher Allan Webber and 3 others shared this.
collections = ["from b"]in vdirsyncer's config section for the calendar pair just get all the calendars from ownCloud, include the contact_birthdays one.
McScx, Evan Prodromou, Mohan Ram likes this.
Yeah, I keep forgetting that pumpio doesn't like gifs.
Was also posted on D*...
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McScx, Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.
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danielside likes this.