Marko Dimjašević mdim@identi.ca
A CS PhD student engaged in social production of software and culture
Friendly intro to the FSF / free software on http://fsf.org/
There's a new video up on http://fsf.org/ and I'm very excited about it... it's a nice, clean, friendly intro to the ideas of what the FSF and software freedom is all about. Done by friends Bassam and Fateh over at Urchn, it's a made-with-free-software-intro-to-free-software (well, kind of mostly focusing on FSF turning 30).
Making accessible, engaging materials on what free software is and why it matters is important. I'm glad to see an uptrend here, with both this video and the Email Self-Defense Guide.
If you agree with the above, and want to see the FSF do more to continue making the messaging around free software welcoming/engaging, why not donate as encouragement?
Great job to everyone involved!
Marcelo Horacio Fortino, Manuel Alejandro, rozzin, Yutaka Niibe and 26 others likes this.
Marcelo Horacio Fortino, Marcelo Horacio Fortino, RiveraValdez, l30bravo and 20 others shared this.
Show all 11 replies@Jacob Barkdull It's being fixed... this was done on a limited time / budget is my understanding, so a couple things slipped but are being corrected. Which, within those constraints, the Urchn/FSF collab worked hard, kicked butt, and delivered something awesome.
I think the video stands very well on its own, but I most especially hope it's a symbol of things to come. This is a direction of messaging people seem to be responding to... what could happen if we got more resources so the FSF could produce a broader series of materials to bring messaging about user freedom to everyone? (Which, I know I'm echoing myself, but hence my suggestion that you donate to show your support... given fundraising season, the FSF is paying close attention to what people react to in terms of contributions!)
Audio says "GNU General Public License", sign skips the "General". So I guess detailed knowledge was unevenly spread throughout the team. :-)
Or someone missed one bit. Anyway, glad to hear it's being fixed.Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2014-12-30T15:15:53Z
X11R5 likes this.
Glad to see the FSF working more on positive campaigning.Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2014-12-30T15:17:48Z
sazius, lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.
I also notice that the video refers to the operating system as "GNU Linux", without an audible "slash" or "plus", this is something the FSF (via the GNU Project) advises against doing: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html#whyslash
It makes it sound like GNU is just another distribution, like how there's "Ubuntu Linux", "Red Hat Linux", etc. Using "GNU" that way makes their insistence on calling the system "GNU/Linux" seem unjustified, because it deemphasises the rest of their long standing work.
It's still a great video, second only to the one with Stephen Fry, however, it looks bad to have contradictory terminology and information in a video about something as monumental as FSF's 30th birthday.
Also, /usr/lib is a bad place to compile software ;-)Jacob Barkdull at 2014-12-30T16:36:48Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
GNU MediaGoblin at 2013-09-24T22:00:11Z
MediaGoblin federation/Pump API support update: Jessica Tallon reports successfully uploading image via PyPump. Awesome!
BTW, if you're a python developer interested in federation, you may be interested in PyPump: https://github.com/xray7224/PyPumpMarko Dimjašević, mray INACTIVE, Stephen Sekula, Evan Prodromou and 4 others likes this.
Joar Wandborg, Christopher Allan Webber, GNU MediaGoblin shared this.
Christina Haralanova at 2012-04-04T15:02:45+00:00
!q Governments have a recurring problem: power attracts pathological personalities. It doesn't corrupt,it attracts corruptable-Frank HerbertMarko Dimjašević, letssharehopes likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević, ghostdancer, ghostdancer shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2012-04-03T06:00:39+00:00
“Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel.” — John Quinton #Q4TD !qGuido Arnold, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.
Chalkahlom at 2012-02-25T10:10:30+00:00
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray............" !qMarko Dimjašević, Brian van den Broek likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.
@chalkahlom "....We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land." !q Desmond TutuMarko Dimjašević at 2012-01-15T23:40:09+00:00
One of the best articles I've ever read about !education: What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success - http://rod.gs/cQk-rozzin, der.hans, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
Quote For The Day at 2011-11-14T05:00:10+00:00
“Ours is the age which is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to.” — Howard Mumford Jones #Q4TD !q http://j.mp/ut9Eo9John Patterson, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
Christina Haralanova at 2011-11-01T16:50:49+00:00
If you want security, go to prison.You're fed, clothed, given medicine. The only thing lacking is freedom.-Eisenhower !q v/ @chrisguillebeauGuido Arnold, Bruce Cowan, Marko Dimjašević, X11R5 and 2 others likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.
Luis A. Morán Morales at 2011-10-21T18:42:28+00:00
Marko Dimjašević, Dimi Piraat likes this.
Ecotribe, Ecotribe, Dimi Piraat, Dimi Piraat shared this.
@lamm The saddest thing of intellectual monopoly by default: most if not all artists have been doctrined to desire the oppositeQuote For The Day at 2011-10-21T05:00:40+00:00
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” — Greek proverb #Q4TD !q http://j.mp/qkLcYTGustav Hartvigsson, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.
laurelrusswurm at 2011-10-13T19:45:12+00:00
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” ― Dr. Seuss !qnaw, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
naw, naw, Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.
Michał Andrzej Woźniak at 2011-08-16T15:28:18+00:00
"The best thing about UDP jokes is that I don’t care if you get them or not." !qMarko Dimjašević, Jason Riedy likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević, naw, naw shared this.
Marko Dimjašević at 2011-07-28T12:39:02+00:00
"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." ~ John Milton !qMarko Dimjašević likes this.
Marko Dimjašević at 2011-07-18T12:25:07+00:00
"Sva naša znanost [je] samo jedna 'Kuharica' s opće prihvaćenom teorijom kuhanja koju nitko ne smije dovoditi u pitanje i ..." (1/3)Marko Dimjašević likes this.
"... receptima kojima se ništa ne smije dodavati bez odobrenja glavnog kuhara." ~ Aldous #Huxley, Vrli novi svijet (2/3)Quote For The Day at 2011-07-10T06:00:12+00:00
“Once the last developer is locked up and the last idea patented you will realise that lawyers can’t program.” — Christian Heilmann #Q4TD !qDavid "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
KanGouLya, KanGouLya, Marcelo Nicolas Manso, Marcelo Nicolas Manso and 2 others shared this.
Mikael at 2011-06-15T11:49:43+00:00
B. #Franklin !q "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" !privacyMarko Dimjašević likes this.
Osama Khalid at 2011-06-15T14:02:01+00:00
From inside a cage, everyone else in the world appears behind bars: http://mimiandeunice.com/2011/06/15/steel-cage/ !qDalba, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
Dalba, Dalba, Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.
@osamak: hhhhhhh! funny, but totally true !! :Dlaurelrusswurm at 2011-05-15T16:56:56+00:00
"If ants are such busy workers, how come they find time to go to all the picnics?"~Marie Dressler !qMikael, Marko Dimjašević, Michael V. Antosha likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević, Marie Axelsson, Marie Axelsson shared this.
Luis A. Morán Morales at 2011-04-16T01:39:13+00:00
"I'd advise anyone to give up being a #Microsoft certified automaton & learn something about computers instead." @bkuhn !qMarko Dimjašević, Hugh Barnes likes this.
Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.
gabe at 2011-03-22T22:26:27+00:00
"Politics - the art of getting votes from the poor and funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other." -- O. Ameringer !qMichael V. Antosha, Marko Dimjašević likes this.
Patrik Willard, Patrik Willard, Marko Dimjašević, Marko Dimjašević shared this.